Video's home, Korea fight, and a welcome home surprise

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I don't own any Hawaii Five-O or Criminal Minds Characters they belong to there rightful owners.

        August 24, 1976.


I got on the phone and called Penelope "PG I need your help there sending Steve to  come to the HQ" I said and I started getting dressed i threw on Steve's dress shirt and my jeans and my boots "Calleigh I'm sorry you have to go through this now especially since we just started dating and everything that happen"Steve said looking me in the eyes I bit my lip and said "Love the Solder Hate the War"I said smiling "You like the Navy don't you"I smiled "kinda but i want to start a family soon"he smiled  "I just want to know your okay...okay" I said smiling he smiled "okay that's why I have your tech friend" He smiled and kissed me so so deeply and passinly (  ) (Calleighs out fit rigt now) we break for air "just stay alive" I said "I will" he said I hug him "come on" he said i grab my gun badge ID and my sunglasses, throwing some shoes on and puting my phone in the purse "Dont tell the others... I'll call them on the plane"he said "Steve thats not right"he said "I know Cal but i dont want my family crying" He said i grab one of his bags "Mission incomplete"I said tears streaming down my face "Oh come on babe i promise i'll call as often as possible"Steve said i nodded "we'll take your car"he said I nodded and i see a few cars out side with tinted windows I tense up "Dont worry there my escorts"He said "fine" i said opening the back door and i droped his bag when i see two men in Navy suits i screamed slightly one grabed my mouth I frezz "Guys let her go thats not funny"Steve said he let me go i turn around "not to be rude but thats breaking and entering and scaring the crap out of me why are you how did you get in my car"I said "We picked the lock"he smiled i suve mcgarrets bag on to his lap "can i drive" the one guy asked "NO" i said I take a deep  breath "we only have two hours mabey"Steve said "nice" i smiled geting up in the car starting it "i back up and pull out fast i turn the car fast about coming head first with a car i swarved going straigt steve gribed his over head handle on his right above his head I smiled and I press the accelerator i see the enter section coming i smiled "We wont make it " the one guy yelled "yes we will"I smiled flooring it and light turned red i run it and i made it leaving there friends behind "she drives like you McGarrett"he said "I want names" i said "jake and bobby"Jake said i shiver at the name "ill call you Jack then" i smiled "....why thats not even like Jake"Jake said "because she wants to Jack now behave"Steve said "I take it this is your team in my car and following us" i said "yea" we get to the HQ and Penelope is there with danny who is not happy I pull up getting out the boys stay "Come on" i said steve wraps his arms around my waist "Im sorry Cal"he said "Its not your fault just get the guy and run nothing stupid okay" I sadi "promise" he said "Penelope I need your tech help can you some how desine or get a phone that can not what so ever be traced back to me or calleigh and can not be tracted and a camera that autamaticly uploads to a internet website"Steve asked "Absoultutley" he smiled we walk in "Danny im leaving for Korea" Steve said "but no why"he said "I have to save a man on my team it should only take a few weeks" Steve said I kissed steve and were waiting i have tears weeling up i start getting nervouse "hey Calleigh calm down baby i'll be fine"He said "McGarrett just remember your not invensible we do get hurt"I said he sighed "I know that baby girl i know" he said he pulled me into his office shuting the door locking it and closing the blinds "im gonna call the others" Danny wisperd "all ready did" I hear Joe say and Steve attacks me kissing me all over and it got heated "condom" I murmor against his ear and i hear a rip and then my world exploded. we  had "Fun"  I hand a bite mark on my sholder so did Steve and a hicky on opposite necks I smiled out of breath pulling my jeans on with my thong and bral "wow" i smiled he smiled "your a bitter arnt you" steve smiled "Im not the only one" I said "well if we was in my bed you wouldnt have bite marks pillows would, it doesnt hurt does it" i said I smiled laughing i go to him wraping my arms arount his waist  "It doesnt bother me I like it" i smiled kissing him we uh hand draweld a little blood  i smiled kissing his lips "your so beautiful Calleigh"he smiled I smiled "your so hot McGarrett.... I need a nickname for you" i said "hmmm I'll think of one for you Peaches...its cute" he said "STEVE" i hear kono and Chin yelling with a nother dude i come out fixing my shirt and Chin sees the bite mark "Really leaving bite marks"he said i smiled i walked up to him "remember that time i bit your thigh cause you wouldnt leave me alone wanting me to come out and play foot ball so you sat on me i'll do it again" i smiled "no thanks" he said they talked steve told me what websites his videos will be posted we had to go to the base steve drove holding my hand the others followed "Steve I want to go with you so bad"I said he smild "Calleigh every things going to be fine I promise" Steve said    we are at the base i get out so does steve hes in uniform i start felling tears stream down my face "Calleigh baby dont cry  baby please i'll be home in no time" Steve said i grabed on to him hugging him "Stay alive and come home Steven J McGarrett come home" i said "I wil Calleigh Maria Kelly i will" he said and kissed me i kissed back smiling "Take care of the house okay.... beautiful and Joe will call you when I arrive"He said "okay" i smiled we couldnt let go ove each other "Come on Steve"Bobby said "I have to go im sorry" he said i smiled "Go superseal just be careful and come home to me" I said " I will Peaches" he said smiling i smiled laughing he abords the military plane I wave they start up i had packed a bag for him a pitchure of us. and the team then i packed girl scout cookies and some food he doesnt know i did they take off down the runway i start crying some chin comes over with the others and hugs me "I love him Chin and I just meet him" i smiled "did you tell him" Joe asked "Love the Solder Hate the War.. I said" I said tears coming down my face "you know when we talked earlyer all he did was talk about you"Joe said i smiled and there off im wachingas i hug Chin closing my eyes I get in the car and i drive  back to the house I sit on the couch looking at the tv and i break down scared for Steve "now what am i going to do" I cryed my self to sleep i had a bad dream i climb into steves bed and i can still smell him the next morning at work Joe calls he made it okay and that he found my cookies "He said he loves you and he found the cookies you left him he says thank you" joe said laughing i let out a laugh and they looked at him "yea i bot like 20 boxes" I smiled "I know told me that too"Joe said we talked and danny was in charged so me and him headed to a crime scene fbi is still here. and everythings smooth but i cry every day (2 weeks later) I havent seen Steve or heard from him im at work eating lunch when steve calls i droped my food I answered it "Steve" i said "Calleigh baby hey its so good to hear your voice"he said i smiled "same here Brah"I said "how are you is every thing okay" He asked "Yea danny sucks at choosing food but every things good i miss you babe i love you so so much" i smiled he said he loved me i smiled so brightly "I miss you too and  i love you too were close"he said "good  because i cant go to long with out you" i  said in Hawaiian "you speak your native languaage" he said 'never lost it" he laughed a good laugh every one is waching me "Peaches I love you so so much...." he said when i hear a gun and a thump and i start paniking "STEVE STEVE" I screamed "McGarrett. boss boss" i hear his team yelling i break down and i start going towards the floor and kono dives for me "No NO Steve get up" i yelled "Calleigh Hes wereing a vest" its Boby "Is He okay Steve is steve okay" i said "yea hold on"Boby said and i hear a coughing sound and a gasped I smiled tears on my cheeks "Cal"I hear him murmmor "Your Girls still on the phone dude"Boby said and i hear steves heavy brathing "Calleigh" he said "steve are you okay" i said "Your vest stoped the bullet" he said i smiled I packed him my vest for work i got others for his team "Thank goodness" i cryed "Calleigh we Got to start moving okay but I love you and I'll uplode a video when we get away some more Peaches I love you" Steve said "I love you too Steve" I said and i hear a click I smiled laying on the tile floor "Calleigh"Joe  said runing in "I heard i was on the phone" i said "okay" he said i started geting sick by worrying and i see a video of Steve online "Hey Peaches I love you babe tell everyone i love them and i'll be home soon I love you Cal so so much"and he did our sighn with the pinki and thumb and it goes out I smiled "he should be home in a week"Chin said in a course of one week there are 14 videos and now its friday and hes coming  home im at the airport we was gonna have a party for them at the beach Fbi teams hear too PG is so excited the air craft lands and i see his team get out im waiting waiting ( ) (Calleighs Outfit) Im so excited and i wait i start getting neavouse the guys are video taping and then i see steve coming out he smiled i squeeled i go runing he takes off down the ramp i run straight into his arms he picks me up swing me his freinds are waching "Peachces"He said "SuperSEAL" i smiled "your so beautiful" he said smiling i smiled and i kissed him so deeply "Welcome Home Steve" I said smiling he smiled and i fell his hands on  my butt "Now now hands off the put Commander" Kono said and comes runing huging him five o hugs him and all of a sudden Penelopecomes ups and says "Welcome home sir" and hugs him squeezing he laughes and hughs penelope "Thank you PG for helping me"He said "If Calleigh likes you then we like you your Ohana now.... thats the word right"Penelope said looking back at spencer "yea penelope its it" Spencer said "Wheres your friend"I asks "Calleigh" I hear a voicce say i turn around I smiled "hello sir" i said "Thank you for allowing steve to come get  me"he smiled weekly "I had no choice you dont leave behind glad you made it home" I said he shook my hand and JJ and Emily are looking at me like im crazy "The whole way home all he did was talk about you"boby yelled "Shut up Bobby" Steve yelled "I must say hes obbsessied with you" Jake said I smiled "Really Lt.Commander your obsession could lead to not so  good things" I smiled "Like what i dont have to stalk you you live with me sleep in the same bed"he smiled i hear chin huff "weres my chin my chinny chin chin" i yelled turning around chins face goes red "No not that you did that to me on the football feild in high school"Chin Yelled Steve laughed "Come on boys we have a welcome home suprize" i said and we all got in cars chin drove i sat in the back on Steves lap kono front seat danny beside us and derek beside danny jj on his lap Jake and Bobby in the trunk and spencer and emily too "I missed you so much Peaches"He said I smiled kissed him   "hey hey now no kissing in the car"danny said "its so sweet" the girls said "Its gonnna make me puke"Chin said I laugh I laugh "Chin I promise i wont ever ever in the next week tell everyone what you did when i was five" i said and it took chin a few minutes "Hey hey now that was  not my falut garrett triped me she should of been wereing that any way"Chin said face going red i smiled "sure sure"i said we arived at the bech i smiled i grabed pull my shirt off "Hey hey now no striping"Steve said puting my shirts down "Comander's not whanting to share is he sis"Chin said warming up "hell no i dont want to share why would I" he smiled i rolled my eyes "spener EM cover the guys eyes"i said i pulled my shirt off and covered steves eyes "Do ya'll got the trunks"I yell to Aaron he smiled throwing my steves which was blue "Follow me McGarrett" i said laughing and as by standers wach I go into the changing room "Pants down"I said "Oh so now your striping me"steve smiled "you like it though"I smiled "yes i do ms.Kelly just dont let steve see you doiing this"Steve smiled "too late im supervising"Chin smirked "What"He kinda yelled just dress solder"Chin said i pulled the pants up on him and pulled his shirt off the others were there i smiled and i undid my shirt on steves eyes smiling "wow"he said so did the others I smiled "WELCOME BACK" we said i smiled steve saw a board that said his  name on it "you did that"he said "yes sir"i smiled and he draged me out to the ocean to surf i made state i won state and country i smiled and i got up on my board with steve i smile hawaiian boogie came one i giggled and we surfed and this guy comes in taking my wave forcing me to wipe out we should night dive but i had no choice to but to dive and steve jumps in after me luckly there was no corlo reef i come back up SOB i said in arabic "What"Steve said "come on" i said i got my board and got out of the water i get up to the  guy and its not who i thought it was it was Jake's budds "Hi Calleigh how are you and your boy toy"he smiled chin tensed i halled off and plowed him nocking him down "Stay away from me and my family or we'll bite back and  hader" i snaped and kicked him in the stomach he grabed my ankel i hit the sand and steve get him nocking him down twisting and i hear a snap of a arm "touch my girlfriend again and ill brake your neck"Steve snarled shuving him down he walks over to me as he leaves crying steve broke his arm i smiled "are you okay babe"he said i smiled "yea ill be fine for now" I smiled he pulled me up wraping his arms around me "Jake's his friend" i smiled "yea a seen by the way you plowed him in the face" he said i smiled "Keike"some one yelled i turn around and see Garrett kelly our other brother i gasped "Garrett" i said leaving steves arm i go runing to the man dressed in navy seal colors i talked him "CALLEIGH" Steve and chin yelled "your home brah i missed you you never said you was leaving" i said and punched his arm "Ow" he said rubbing his arm "Garrett"Chin said Takling Garrett smiling they wrestled Steve looked jellous i smile "Garrett?" Kono yelled and she came runing and takled the now standing Garrett i snorted "Gess what are people feeding you guys"He said I motion to steve to come over "Yea" he said "thats my brother garrett Steve dont get jelous" isaid he smirked we talked to garrett i havent told him being a cop cause i saw a reflection in a building and all hell broke out then

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