Chapter 1

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I'm back with a new story!! Hope you enjoy!!


Anonymous POV

What is this feeling? Is it happiness? No, that's not it. I feel like I've succeeded at something. I feel....pleased. Yes, pleased, that's the word.

I smile, pleased with myself, as I get up off the damp ground. I look at my bloodied hands. I smirk and look down at the corpse at my feet.

A teenage girl, my first victim. I didn't even know her name, nor do I care to know. It wouldn't make a difference anyway.

I just killed this girl with my bare hands, and I feel no remorse. I'm truly a monster...

I pick up the girls dead bloody body and fling her onto my shoulder. The smell of death lingers in the air, burning my nose.

"I'd better clean this up..." I mumble under my breath, looking back at the bloody mess on the ground.

I turn back around and start walking. I need to find somewhere to dump this body. Hmm, I could always just dispose of it in the river. No, too easy.

Meh, I'll just throw it off the cliff. Yeah, that's a good idea. I chuckle and start heading for the cliff. This was going to be fun.

Once I get there I take off my shirt, which is stained with blood, and wrap it around the body. Then I lift up the body and toss it over the edge of the cliff.

At first I can see the corpse falling as fast as a bullet, but then it disappears, and my victim is nothing but a memory...

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