The Pilot

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What the heck !, I yelled at myself angrily for what news I just heard , the news that could change my life , yeah?!, you really think so ?!, I thought to teenage myself , getting to the brink of the summer, I had started laying down my outlines and plans for the next semester, i'd always had high expectations coming this time around I mean freshman year is over time to settle into a social cycle amongst my mates and experiment the life of an undergrad, all the plans laid out all shattered. I had extremely judged my father , James woodman, I've always had him to be a calm , reserved and somewhat relatable parent, until you know, ummmm, until, our mother died, sadly as time passed he drearily became an opposite of those features, could I blame him?, "He's a man, people change, and stuff like this does change a man", I and my sister, Ava had to skip school for a year , needless as it felt , but a crisp of belief and hidden truth I took out of every word that purged out of him. However, Ava , took the news calmly almost too casual for her liking, I had always known her to be very reserved and bottled-up on a matter like this , not like something as critical as of this nature hasn't happened before, Our dad and Ava don't really go well on family matters and decisions, he continuously gets the feeling and thought that Ava often goes on escapades , haha!, that was a funny yet medieval word my dad described "hanging out" as, with her so-called friends, the thought of pre-marital sex, keeping close relationships with the opposite sex, late nights, made our dad increasingly suspicious and hence, kept extra eyes on her, sometimes he'd be like;
       "Chris!!!, where the heck is your sister!" , he says most times, and some other days he yells the same question in our wlocal dialect, like why are you calling my name unnecessarily for dad?!!!, it always got me angry and in somewhat disgust,
"he's feelings couldn't be followed neither his thoughts we're understood, yeah, you would think what sort of man is this?!, it begs my conscience for a sigh of relief to know if he wasn't my father atimes.
      Father-daughter problems i guessed and sometimes trust issues? , I thought to myself, asides the fact that I had to think of another way to lose track of time was a difficult code I couldn't crack. As time flew gently into the birth of the night, so as silence continued to roam the environment and the tense atmosphere associated with such, each of us were looking for an inker of opportunity to yell at someone not for doing wrong but as a "Whipping boy"  that's what our mood yearned for......
     Oh well!, that's just a "model" of the lifestyle as we know it in a woodman's home. Ayyy!, it's almost dinner time, better I pause what I'm doing and head to the kitchen, not that I'm cooking dinner, to assist rather, and not that I can't make dinner also, Lol, you get my point, just so you note....
      H-E-L-L-O!, why's everywhere so tense?, but oh well!, I'm used to a horrible finesse to end days, not a day passes without a cause to panic, the dinner tastes so indifferent in my mouth uhhh!, I'd get a better a hang tomorrow let's see what tomorrow brings.

Curtain Falls

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