Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The rest of the week continues without incident. We actually all have a good time as a family, for the first time in I don't know... forever. This baby is some sort of miracle worker. I'm wondering if I'm giving birth to some angel or perhaps a saint.

Things become less awkward between Alex and me, too. Our friendship appears to be intact, for which I'm eternally grateful. The only weirdness is that Alex has been sleeping on the couch since I have been home from the hospital, claiming he doesn't want to disrupt my sleep. I have told him it isn't necessary, but he insists. I have a gut feeling that it has more to do with our conversation, which neither of us has brought up again. 

It is now the last night before we return to school. Around two A.M. I get a terrible craving for my mom's mashed potatoes, and I know there are leftovers in the refrigerator. Since this is the baby's first official request, I give in, sneaking down the steps and tiptoeing past Alex. I flick on one of the small recessed lights with the dimmer to ensure the kitchen isn't too bright when I swear I hear Alex say my name.

"Alex, are you awake?"

I lean over the couch. Alex is tossing and turning in his sleep. He must be so uncomfortable. He has been sleeping in pajamas which my brother lent him. Since Alex has no way of knowing who will be down first in the morning, he definitely does not want any of my family members to see him in his boxers.

I come around to the other side of the couch and I recognize immediately what is happening. This isn't just about him being uncomfortable, this is him having another of his nightmares.


"NO! NO... I... I..."

I see the tears streaming down his face. "Alex?" I say, trying to wake him with a gentle shake of his arm, but he's in deep.


"CAT!" Alex suddenly bolts straight up. Startled, I jump back, nearly falling over the coffee table, but Alex instinctively reaches out to grab my hand, pulling me towards him. I tumble on top of him in a heap, and I hear his breath come out in a rush.

"Cat?! Oh, thank God! You're here!" He grabs my face like he's trying to reassure himself of something and without warning I suddenly being kissed. This isn't a passionate kiss, but a kiss filled with desperation.

He pulls away and wraps his arms around me. He's holding onto me so tightly I believe he's never going to let me go. "It was only a dream. Just a dream," he whispers. I can feel his heart beating so fast, as if it's going to leap right out of his chest.

"It's only a dream," I echo. "I'm here. It's okay," I reassure him.

Alex touches his face, feeling the wetness. With a deep sigh, he wipes his tears away. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I reply, sitting up next to him now that he has let me go. "You can't help it."

"I nearly knocked you over that table," Alex says in disgust.

"No, that was my clumsiness. I just got startled and forgot the table was right behind me when you yelled my name."

Alex looks away from me, but not before I see a fresh new wave of tears threatening to spill over from his eyes.

"You don't have to tell me about it, but it may help to talk," I suggest.

Alex refuses to look at me. In fact, he turns on his side, away from me. "I've been having the nightmare more often, ever since you came back from the hospital. I suspected that might be the case, which was why I'm sleeping down here. Only the dream changed tonight and instead of it being about my brother, it was about you."

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