Chapter 8

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Summer's POV

I sat on a equipment crate, tying my

wrestling boots. Why not divas'

lockeroom? I didn't want to go in there.

I couldn't risk it. I found myself silently

mocking my thoughts. Risk. Risk what?

I asked myself. So that's why I was in

this completely deserted corridor. Or at

least I thought. I suddenly felt a rush of

hot air hitting the back of my neck.

Someone breathing down the back of

my neck. I don't even know why I

bother turning around. I didn't have to

see who it was I knew who it was. I

turned around to be met with the most

perfect hazel eyes that couldn't belong

To any other man, but himself- Corey

Graves. "Can we talk?" He asked

gesturing if he could set beside him.

"Um.. Yeah sure." I replied studying my

hands, the ground, anything to avoid

looking him in the eyes. He took a seat beside of me. He looked like he was going to say something, but acted as if

He couldn't. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak a stagehand

approached us. Corey & Summer your

match has been moved up he said

glancing at his clipboard. After Emma

& Adrian finish their entrance you'll go

out together. He informed us Corey

nodded while I was beginning to feel

butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

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