Ch 19

204 11 19

August 20, 1819
Eliza's Room

Date:August 20, 1819Location:Eliza's RoomOutfit:

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Eliza POV

     I stood awkwardly in front of my mirror, trying to fix the back of my dress. Angelica somehow convinced me to wear a pink dress, which I'm not happy about, but if she wants me to I'll do it.

     My door opened and in came Angie. She smiled widely and shut the door behind her. As she made her way to me, her smile grew wider. "And you said you don't like pink on you."

     "Maybe because I look like an old lady most of the time." I said while rolling my eyes.

When she forced me to wear a pink dress, I couldn't help but force her into one of my blue dresses. And I had to admit, blue didn't look that bad on her.

I sat down on my vanity chair and started to try to put my hair up in a back bun. A few seconds past before I saw her come up behind me and help.

I dropped my arms and let her do my hair. We didn't talk for awhile until she spoke up.

"You going to tell him?" She asked. I looked at her through the mirror with questioning eyes. "About you liking him?"

     I put my face into my hands as my elbows rested on the vanity. "I don't like him."

     "Yeah, you do. It's clear." She said, not removing her focus from my hair.

     "I don't like him." I repeated into my hands.

     "Uh Huh. And you also didn't read books together, spent an entire day together in Paris, felt heartbroken and jealous because of him and Maria, got so concerned, scared, and hurt when he got locked up, saved him from getting hung, basically cried when we left, felt overjoyed when he came back, and spent an entire night together out in the town." She said.

     I took my face out of my hands and looked at her. "W-What?"

     "Don't act like I don't know. I know that you two snuck out last week and hung out around town." She said. I widened my eyes.

     "Ho-How did you find out?" I asked.

     "You should know that Alex has a big ass mouth and says everything he thinks of." She said.

     I couldn't help but give out a small laugh. That's very true. He does do that... a lot. More than he should.

     But I couldn't say anything about the other points. She got me. I gotta run.

     "So, I know you like him. Please, for the sake of my small shipping heart, admit it." She said. I remained quiet for a little while longer.

     "So? What if I do? What if I don't?" I asked.

     "If you do, I'll be over joyed. And so would Peggy. And everyone else in the group." She said. "But if you don't, I don't know how I'll react. I know that Peggy would probably hurt someone."

     "It's not that I don't like him. How could you not, though? He's smart, funny, kind, yet sometimes he can be a jerk. But he's also pretty..." I trailed off. Angelica eyed me through the mirror. "Ok looking. It's just that boys like him just pretend to love someone and then leave them."

     "That's not true, E." She said sincerely. Now, it was my turn to eye her through the mirror. She sighed. "Ok, that's somewhat true. But he's different. Yes, he has left many girls before. I've seen it happened many times. But he acts differently around you. He looks at you differently than the other girls. He treats you differently than the other girls. I know he loves you more than the other girls."

     "But-" I started before she interrupted me.

     "Listen." She said, putting the brush down and looked at me. "He has never really gotten the love he should of gotten as a child. His father left him after calling him useless and pathetic, his family members didn't treat him well, and he got very abused as a child. Not to mention, he was stuck on a terrible, small island. When he became a teenager, he finally started talking to girls after his step-dad tried to get him out more. He was a player, and if the girls didn't give him what he wanted or he found someone else, he would just leave them in the dust. That's another component of making him so cold-hearted in the first place."

     I remembered to take in every detail of what she was saying.

     "He told me numerous times on the ship that he was done with girls. He wasn't interested in finding anyone else. And if he did, he would hurt them emotionally and physically. But then, you came into his life and that stopped. He wasn't cold hearted, he wasn't disrespectful, he wasn't... a monster. Anytime he was around you, his eyes would just lighten up. His lips would stretch from ear to ear, and he looked so overjoyed that I was scared of him hurting himself. And when we left, he soon went back to being his old, disrespectful self. But the second he saw you again, I saw the smile that he wore so much 5 years prior to then." She said.

     I looked down at my lap. "Anytime he's around you, he acts so much differently than when he's not or if he's with another girl. I can tell that tonight, if- no, when- you tell him the truth- that you lied and that you do like him- he will never, ever even think about leaving you. He loves you more than he has ever loved anyone, and I can tell that just by the way he is around you." She concluded.

     I looked back up at her and gave a small smile. "You really think so?"

     "I know so, Elizabeth." She said. "And if he does, I'll make sure he won't see the morning sun tomorrow. Please tell him."

     I thought for a bit and smiled at her. "Ok, fine. I'll tell him." I said, pretending to be grouchy. She smiled and hugged me tight from behind. I stood up and hugged her back.

     When we separated, we made our way out of my room and to the ballroom. Tonight is going to definitely going to be one that I'll remember forever.

A/N- I survived band camp, friends. Barely, I mean, I have the worst tan ever, but I survived. I really want to try and update this book more, but here's the situation: tomorrow I'm going to spending the whole day at a friends house and then the second I come home I'm gonna be watching the TCA's cause I gotta cheer on Sam and Colby (I mean, come on. I have to lol), and Wednesday is the first day of school. So I don't know when I'll be updating again, but just know that the next few chapters may trigger some people. Mega. Oof.

And I have a question! Which one of these books do you want for a future book?
~comment you answer pleeeeeease~
•Medieval Hamliza
•YouTube AU Hamliza
•High School AU Hamliza
•1900's AU Hamliza (30's-80's, you choose)
•College AU Hamliza
•Other (comment any other ideas you want to see)

Thank you again, and I'm sorry if it takes awhile for another update. Maybe I'll do a special birthday update week where I update everyday the week of August 19-23. Idk, but thank you anyway for reading💜💜💜💜💜

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