Chapter 6

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Before I start this chapter I want to thank all of y'all reading my fanfic.I also want to say sorry it's taking long to post.If y'all want maybe y'all can help set a schedule for when I post.<it's a suggestion.Anyways back to the chapter•w•

Changkyun POV

Ever since what happened in Jooheon's room both him and Jooheon have been closer.They always next to each other either playing around with each other or walking to class together.

"Hey want to meet up with the others after school?"I nodded going into my next class.I sat down by my desk and started to get ready for the teacher to come in.

After school •w• at a cafe

"HEY GiVE Me My DrInK BaCk!!!" "What I thought we were sharing?" "NO GO GET YOUR OWN!!!NoW GIVE ME MY DRINK BACK!"I look towards the couple "Wonho just give him the drink"I sighed as I saw wonho give back Hyungwon his drink back.

"I can't believe both of y'all are older than me." "Hey want me to get you a drink?" I look toward Jooheon and nodded "is it you usual order?" I nodded.I looked back my friends once jooheon left.they all gave me smug face. "What?" "You know both of y'all would look cute together" I blushed "I-I don't l-like h-him that w-way" kihyun rolled his eyes "sure you don't,answer me this why do you always hang around Jooheon?" "Because he's my friend" "Then why don't you hang around us as much as you hang around honey"

I started to get flustered "Even if I do like someone I can't date my parents won't allow it"I looked down. "Aren't you allowed to date I mean your old enough to take care of yourself"I looked at Kihyun "it's not that it's hard to explain-"Before we kept talking Jooheon came up next to me and gave me my drink. "What are you guys talking about?"

"N-nothing" Jooheon was about to say something but got interrupted by his phone.

Jooheon POV

"Hello?" "Son,I've got information on the IM mafia it seems like the heir of their mafia goes to school I want you to find him and end him.Make sure to tell the others." "Yes sir"I hung up the phone and turned to the others."is everything all right you look serious about something"

I turned to Changkyun to see his confused face.All of a sudden a memory popped in my head.
"it's nothing really,but I found out information from over hearing my parents conversation"I looked at him to see his confused face.I just wanted to grab him and run away right then and there.but...I know that my father will find us and probably killed ****

"Jooheon?Everthing all right?" "Yea""What happened?"I turned towards Kihyun "My father just told me something nothing too serious"The others just gave an oh face while Changkyun still looked confused "okay?" "Hey anyways does anyone know anyone in our school that has IM as a last name?"

I looked and the others shook their heads.I then look at Changkyun.He had a faceless expression.
"Do you anyone Changkyun?" He shook his head.

Changkyun POV

When Jooheon asked that question I started to panic even though they are my friends they can never know my Last name. "Why do want to know?"I looked over to Jooheon.before I noticed that it came off rudely he started to talk. "No reason"I started to notice the tension as no one dared to speak.

Since he was asking about names I decided to take my chances and ask him the samething "Does anyone know any body with the last name Lee?" I looked to see the reaction to notice that they all became more tense than before. "Nope"Jooheon said popping out the p. "Why do you need to know about that?" "No reason"

Jooheon POV

I looked over to Changkyun to get a smirk from him.To be honest the way he looked at me looked hot.i started to get nervous but I still tried to keep my face from showing how nervous I was.He started to lean in closer.I looked at the others who seem to be in shock by how Changkyun is acting they looked amused actually.

"Say honey,"after he said that sentence I wanted to melt the way he said it came off so smoothly. " what did you say you're parents do for a living?"I looked over to Shownu for help to see him telling me to not tell."ummmm"Changkyun looked at me as he started to scoot back a little giving me time to take a breath. " I won't tell unless you do" I gave him a smirk.Two can play that game Kyunnie~

I hope y'all are liking it. The next chapter will Reveal a lot of stuff. I'm also thinking about making this book a twenty chapter Series
What do you think?
ANYWAYS thank you for reading and have a great day/night.•w•

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