famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.~
HAILY BROOKS known to all loved by all. The perfect student the perfect girl. Her warm hearted smile and soothing voice attracted many. She was a magnet which grabbed the eyes of any poor soul who wandered carelessly into her trap who dared listen to her angelic voice.
Her victims gaze with aw with every breath she took. Attending to her every want or need as her golden locks glow and unnatural but mesmerising glow; her teal blue eyes latching and targeting her pray.
Her victims are caught in her web as she wraps them gently in her silky web leavening them to devour later. However unlike most I see the truth behind the beauty I see the monster see tries so deeply to hide locked up and hidden, as it feeds off her pure energy.
I know her demons all to well I know the voices she tried so hard to hide I know the evil she committed. That's why I had to get rid of her. I had to be the one who saved these gullible creatures known as the students in broad moor high.
A Saviour that's what I am , yet I'm locked up in this prison with no doors , no windows as the room gets smaller and smaller each second . The food gets more bleak and bland as the days go by. I'm stuck in this place full of notorious criminals and the mentally insane.
"Are you going to eat that?" A small frail girl says, her head slightly tilt as her big brown eyes stare directly toward me. Her thin brown hair covering the side of her face.
I push the red tray containing the same unpleasant and vile food. Such as The watery mash which had no flavour the foul texture of thick watery nothingness. The same uncooked chicken, pale and chewy, the weird smelling cheese which was bitter in taste.
Her eyes light up as she snatches the tray swallowing the food whole. I stare in disgust trying so badly not to throw up. I sigh resting my head on my right hand.
"What's wrong with her" Ellie states sitting across from me as she throws a greasy chip in her mouth.
"Where did you get the chips from!" Mia shouts
Mia May be small and skinny but she could eat a whole Horse if she wanted. Ellie slaps mias small bony hands as she tries to steal a chip.
"You fat shit," Ellie screams harshly
"Says the one who looks like a overgrown cow!" Mia bites back.
I roll my eyes theses two squabble in like idiots 24/7 no wonder they didn't have any friends. This is what my life has come to. Surround by a bunch of idiots.
"Earth to rose!" Ellie's sings wavering her grease covered hand in my face making me back away. She pulls her hand back licking her fingers. I turn away in disgust.
"She doesn't like us commoners she's way to prim and proper for this place bet she thinks we're disgusting peasants," Mia says trying to put on her best British accent.
"I'm not supposed to be here," I say Ellie just laughs
"That's what you always say but your ere nothing you can do now," she chuckles wiping her mouth on the thin grey shirts were given to wear. I stand up to leave.
"Where you going?" Ellie shoutouts I ignore her and walk off outside.
"Did we hurt her majesty feelings!" Mia laughs
I walk out the door past the two guards holding guns. I smile at them only to get a harsh growl as a reply , and they say I'm crazy.
Today was unusual instead of the cold winter air and the dark grey clouds engulfing the building. The air was warm with a light breeze. The sky was clear, the clearest it's been since I've been in here. I walk towards the the fence where the girls like to talk to the boys on the other side.
This place isn't full of greasy and small stick thin girls like Mia and Ellie. They have there fair share of beautiful girls with nice summer body's, Easy to keep when your Barely eating. Flawless skin and the perfect smile. The reason why I don't interact with them is because there just clone copies of Haley.
Just like there are some good looking girls the same go's with the boys. But like I said I'm not a crazy lunatic like these people and I'm not attracted to psychopathic killers either. However with my luck I was able to meet Sam. His looks juxtaposed his whole personality
"Sam!" I shout as I notice him standing in a corner. He walks over toward me his muscle piercing through his shirt grey shirt. His pitch black hair dancing in the wind as his light hazel eyes shine in the sun. As he reaches in front of me he gives me a shy smile.
"Looks like that shirts getting to small for you," I laugh as Sam flexes his muscles unknowingly. He starts to blush.
"Yeh I guess," he combs his finger through his hair looking anywhere but at me.
"What's wrong?" I say trying to catch his gaze
He clears his throat and points towards my chest I look down and she's my nipples showing through my shirt. I laugh.
"I guess I'm gonna need a bigger bra," my body was maturing quite quickly recently. I was a late bloomer guess my body's trying to catch up with my age.
"You can look sam, I know your not some weird pervert," he still doesn't look. I just sigh
"Will it help if we sit with our backs against he fence?" He nods I smile
Sitting on the warm grass laying my head gently against the fence. "Sam?"
"My release date is coming soon,"
"How soon?" Sam asked his voiced more scared then concerned
"3 days," I say closing my eyes waiting for him to get angry or just worry like normal. But nothing .I hear him stand up which made me turn around
"Sam?" I shout as he walks away
"Sam!" I shout again he just ignored me and carries on walking without looking back
I know Sam can be sensitive but I wasn't expecting this. Frustrated with myself I bang in the fence causing it to shake frantically.
I sit back down with my head in my hands. What have I done....
Chapter 1 complete yay over 1000 words
I'm gonna be honest I don't actually know what this is or how it's gonna turn out
I'm kinda just going with the flow of my mind so that's why I don't know what to write for the description
So it's a bit dfffffff is this ish
Hope you like this chapter tho :)

Mystery / ThrillerAfter killing haily brooks the schools golden girl, rose makes her comeback 10 years later let loose into the real world she seeks vengeance on the "popular kids" changing her whole identity and luring these now grown up class mates to their deaths