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Is it worth going in and editing some of my story's diction well after-the-fact, or should I just leave it be???? Lol As a grammar nazi, it drives me nuts when I re-read something I've written for the HUNDREDTH TIME and am still catching mistakes... But is it worth the extra time to go into every published version to fix it..??? Don't know. At least not right now, but I'll most likely go back and do it later...

Scene 31: The Mysterious Trainer

As the stories progress, so too does the technology we see being used. Kari, being just a young kid, has a paper map because, well, back-in-the-day that's what the Town Map was. Later we'll see her upgrade to a PokéNav and even meet people with more modern technology, but I love the idea of seeing her folding up this map in a time (now) where that's not really a thing... Lol

These next couple chapters had to do a couple rounds of musical chairs for me, just for continuity purposes. I remember re-reading another scene and realizing I had input something that hadn't happened in that city, but in another... But with other things that had occurred, I had to go in and reconfigure everything just to make everything workout from Kari receiving the Bike Voucher and Sandshrew evolving, amongst other things. Guess that's the struggle of a Fanfiction Writer, though: if you want to stay true to the classic you have to pay extra attention to all the details!

We have Kari mention something very important for the story here, "If I don't spend time with all of you, how on Earth are we supposed to become good friends?" Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but anytime I play the Pokémon games I am constantly switching out my Pokémon just to keep all of their levels up to par. I mean, sure, I have my main Team that's way higher than the rest, but unlike Ash, I imagine I would be like Kari and constantly switching out my Pokémon so I could play and Train with them all..! We'll see that she has a bit of a pattern: after using one that's been fully evolved, or has reached a certain level, she'll use it in a main competition or Gym Battle at least once before switching it out for another Pokémon... Because that's what I would do...

Every now-and-then I like to throw in a couple of reminders for me & the readers. Just specific details pertaining to Kari and/ or the reality of her world as a Pokémon Trainer. For example, the small sack of Pokéballs that are looped around her belt or the fact that Pokéballs are automatically sent to Prof. Oak's lab since she already has 6 on her Team. These all seem like such minor details that should be easy enough to keep straight, but it's nice to put it out there for some...

Here, Kari has another run-in with some Team Rocket Members. But unlike the ones from before, these Grunts have heard the rumors from HQ. A small girl with green hair and a powerful Eevee- the Boss' daughter, of course! Their entire demeanor changes immediately and Kari is sure to play up her role as the Top Ranking Member of Team Rocket in order to gather some intel. She's shocked to hear about this "mysterious Trainer" who stood up against her father and his plans in Celadon City... But this wasn't the first time... What about that boy from Lavender Town..?

Scene 32: Lost and Gloom

Ahhh, the simplicity of being a traveler: spending every other day going through your bags and making sure there's no random wrappers or trash and that everything is nice and clean... Lol At least, that's the part of a journey you'd assume is happening, though we've never seen it...

Kari and Eevee meet with a lost Gloom who tries to defend herself. She, like Ash, does her best to stick it through and holds her breath when it unleashes its smelly odor. But when Gloom decides to trust Kari and Eevee, they make their way to the Pokémon Center. And I'm sure you guessed it, that Gloom belongs to Erika of Celadon City!

Although we see Ash & friends eating at the Pokémon Center, there's really no mention and showing of a kind of cafeteria there. But, again, that's just something you'd assume existed since they had rooms for travelers. Kari and Erika sit down for a drink and, much like the café in the Alolan Centers, we have specialty drinks that can be ordered. I thought about using one that the Pokémon Company had already named, but I wanted something to do with Grass-Type Pokémon that Erika would most likely be fond of. I came up with "Maractus Fizzy Marmalade" thinking about a fizzy marmalade that can actually be bought at Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter, aaaaand because of Maractus' prickly body, coming up with the flavor in my head as Erika explained... honestly, I'm sure I'd love it..!

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