Let me be your fantasy (Niall/Louis/Harry)

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Harry and Louis uncover a fantasy little Nialler has, regarding handcuffs, they offer to help him out.

Harry POV

"All I'm saying is you should go to bed-" Liam worries.
"-blah blah, stop being a kill joy Leemo" Louis sasses.
"At least let Niall go to bed, the poor boy looks shattered"
"M 'wake" Niall yawns, from inside the fort we've made with the mattresses and duvets.
"See, he's fine. Playing with the big boys tonight".

"Yup" Niall smiles, but I don't think he even knows what he just agreed to. Here we are, having an all nighter (theoretically) as we have a day off tomorrow, so we can recover then.
"I give up. When he's grouchy, in the morning, don't blame me" Liam says pointing to Niall who is already half asleep.

"So what are we watching?" I ask.
"Horror. That will wake him up" Louis laughs, ruffling Nialls hair.
It's a squash with the three of us having a mini-camp-out in the living room. But it's working, for now.
We decide to watch ‘animal’ staring Liz Gillies.
"Niall you're missing it" Louis complains, tapping his cheek.
"He doesn't like horrors anyway" I roll my eyes at him.

"That's the point, it was supposed to keep him awake" he rolls his eyes back at me.
"Well, what else can we do?" I sigh.
We're in the middle of truth or dare (how original) when we hear a groan come from Niall.
"Nialler, you alright?" Louis asks shaking his arm.
"Lou" I get his attention when I notice the obvious boner Niall has in his boxers.

"Hahahaha awe bless him.”
"That's cute" I agree.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Waking him up" Louis says in a duh voice.
"Why" I sigh. Louis can be a pain in the arse at times.
"Because he wanted to be here and he's just a sleep. I want him to wake up and join in."

Niall doesn’t wake up. He's literally dead to the world asleep. Louis keeps shaking his shoulder but he's having none of it.
"Niall" he whispers, as he lays down next to him.
"Niall. Niall. Niall. Niall" he repeats. With every 'Niall' his voice gets louder.

Niall lays his arms above his head and sighs but doesn't wake up. The next thing I see is Louis straddling his waist, rubbing his crotch against Nialls.

"What are you doing?" I hiss.
"Waking him up" Louis laughs.
I see louis get a semi and Niall is now fully hard and I hate to admit it, but I'm half hard at the sight of louis thrusting down onto Niall.
Niall moans and yep, I'm screwed.
"Niall, wake up babe" Louis murmers, moving off of Nialls hips and sitting next to him.

"Yeah. Fuck. C'mon Lou" Niall moans instead of getting up.
louis grabs Nialls limp wrists and shakes them, trying to wake him up again, before resting his hands over them on the floor.

"Fuck" Niall groans as he cums in his jeans. We can tell because he’s wearing light blue jeans that are not so light blue at the crotch. He just came- untouched.

"Shit" louis says at the side of him.
"It was when you pinned his arms down" I mumble.
"Think Nialler has a handcuff kink?" He asks, but he isn't laughing.
"Maybe" I hum.

We're sat outside the tent pondering this, 10 minutes later, when Niall wakes up.
"Fuck" he whispers.
"Sup Nialler?"
"N-nothin lou"
"Sure? Need some clean boxers?"
"How did you-"
"-Or maybe. Maybe you need to be punished." Louis says going inside the fort, I peek my head in and see him straddling Niall once again.

"For making a mess of yourself. Maybe I could have helped. Too late now. You've already finished" Louis trails off, pretending to get off of Niall.

Niall looks traumatised but not at what Louis is doing or saying. He looks traumatised that Louis is leaving.

"Wait! I- I can get it going again- jus- jus wait" Niall says before palming himself through his messy boxers. It must be a little sore for him, having just finished. Then there’s the chaffing that will no doubt be painful. But to his credit, he doesn’t stop or complain.

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