-Chapter 70-

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Day: 74

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Corinna gazed up at the sky, seeing it torn open above the rock spire bridge and light beaming downwards into the sea. She looked at the unconscious chimaera cradled and lying on her lap.

"Harmony..." Her voice croaked. "Come on, Harmony! Wake up! You have to wake up! It's there! The portal's right there!" She swallowed to keep her throat from completely drying up. "Please... you can escape, Harmony! You can escape..."

The chimaera did not respond, only lying limp and still in her arms.

Sniffing away her tears, Corinna glanced up at the portal. "Fine. I'll get you there myself!"

The chimaera was too heavy for the young woman to carry properly, so Corinna dragged Harmony across the sand to the base of the rock spire. She retrieved Harmony's grappling hook from her belt then swung it upwards. The hook missed and came tumbling downwards, almost hitting herself. She took a step back and made another attempt but it didn't reach the top though was high enough to climb. Corinna tugged the rope to test the strength but the earth it had latched onto crumbled and the hook once again fell back down.

Corinna dove and caught it before it landed on top of Harmony's unconscious body. Panting, her breath sharp and painful, Corinna threw the grappling hook for the last time, screaming in frustration then let out a gasp of relief as it clung to the top of the tower.

She looked down at the chimaera, wondering how she could possibly carry her all the way up. Corinna retrieved a coil of rope from her backpack. After tying the end of the grappling hook around her waist, she tied Harmony safely to herself, then slung her over her shoulder.

The young woman climbed up the spire, tugging desperately at the grappling hook as her feet slipped and clumps of rock crumbled off and fell down to the sand below. The higher she got, the more the beam of light from the portal blinded her vision. With every inch she climbed, her arms grew weaker, her shoulders burning from the weight of the chimaera. Her body wanted to surrender, but Corinna gritted through the pain and exhaustion, gripping onto Harmony tightly to assure her safety.

Corinna glanced up at the portal, the warm light still shining on her face. She could do it. She could save Harmony from this merciless world. She could save her more pain and torment. She could-

A figure fell down from the portal. A man hurtled down and plunged into the water below.

The light fizzled and waned.

And then it died out.

Darkness once again ruled the Eternal Abyss.

Corinna remained clinging onto the rope, frozen and unable to move as she gazed up at the sky. The portal had closed. She was too late.

It was all her fault.

Harmony could have escaped if she hadn't been so afraid of the imps.

If she hadn't been so weak and codependent.

If she hadn't wasted time by crying.

If she had been fast enough.

Sucking in her breath, Corinna calmed herself so that she could concentrate on climbing back down safely. Now was not the time to be emotional, she told herself. Her face automatically donned her mask of impassiveness and doll-like expression.

After abseiling back down to the base of the rock spire, the young woman gently laid Harmony on the ground, caressing her face. "I'm sorry..." Her throat closed up, causing her voice to crack. "I'm sorry I couldn't-"

There was a scream.

It was the man that had fallen out of the portal.

Instinctively, Corinna grabbed her spear. So concerned with Harmony, she had forgotten about him. She stumbled up and peered out to the sea and saw the man treading water, gasping for breath as his arms flailed around. He was being dragged down by the water nymphs.

Corinna's eyes darted between the drowning man and the chimaera. Harmony should be safe, she thought, seeing that the imps were now leaving. Dropping her rucksack and tying her spear onto her back, Corinna waded into the water and swam out to the man.

Noticing the young woman, the man's face brightened. He kicked his legs and freed himself from a water nymph's grasp and swam to meet Corinna. She reached for her spear and jabbed at the nymph that was making another attempt to drown the man.

The newly arrived prisoner and Corinna made it to shore safely as the young woman protected them both with her weapon. Once he had caught his breath, the man patted Corinna on her shoulder. "Thanks, love. Thought I was a goner. Only just arrived and I almost died."

"Actually," Corinna started. "You can't-"

"Name's Bryce," the man interrupted before Corinna could finish telling him the most vital information about the Eternal Abyss. "What's yours?"

"Corinna. And you can't-"

"Well, I really appreciate what did for me, Corinna." Bryce smirked.

The young woman took a step back, uncomfortable with the way that he was staring at her. 

Bryce looked as if he was in his mid or late thirties. His head was shaved along with his jaw and a few thin lines in his eyebrows. At the moment, one of his eyebrows was raised. "I'm sure I can find a way to repay- oh shit!" Bryce snatched Corinna's spear from her hands then stood in front of her in a defensive stance.

It was Harmony. She was awake.

"Don't worry, blondie." Bryce winked at Corinna. "I'll protect you."

"No! Don't hurt her!" Corinna tugged at the spear, attempting to get it back but he was too strong.

"'Her?'" He pointed at the chimaera. "You mean that fucking thing's a girl?" He laughed, pushing Corinna back.

That was when Corinna saw the brand on the man's neck. Without hair, it was completely visible and unhidden.

Harmony stumbled upwards and rubbed the back of her head. Whatever had happened to it, the blood had dried. She first looked up at the rock spire from where she had remembered falling, then panicked and looked around for-

Corinna was standing behind a shaved-haired man who had her spear. Their clothes were both drenched. 

Why? thought Harmony. Then she realised... her eyes darted up to the sky, then back to the man.

"Who is he!" The chimaera lunged forwards, still limping from her injuries. "Where did he come from!"

"Oh, shit! It can talk!" Bryce then shrugged. "Whatever. I'll still kill it-"

Corinna kicked the man to the ground and stole her spear back, pointing the blade at his throat. "Don't you dare hurt her!"

"What the hell! I was helping you!" He grabbed at the spear, almost taking it back when a set of claws grasped around his throat.

Harmony threw the man to the side, away from Corinna, and roared, her voice reverberating across the desolate beach.

Realising that he was clearly outmatched, Bryce scampered away in the opposite direction.

Collapsing onto her knees, Harmony cowered and clutched at the fur on her head, her ears flat and drooping. "Was he... did he..." Her voice cracked. "The portal opened, didn't it?"

Corinna hesitated, standing over the trembling chimaera. "Yes," she said. "I'm sorry..."

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