The rather peculiar beginnings

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Rebecca was a straight forward 15 year old emo girl.
Calvin was an absolute fucking twink. Perfect for Rebecca.
It started out with Rebecca obsessing over calvin after a few months of not talking. She couldn't keep her mind of him. Her papper dwindled at the thought of that tiny gobber.

One day however Rebecca got the scrotum to actually talk to Calvin. After a few hours of painfully awkward small talk about minecraft youtubers and how great The Strokes are, she decided to ask him out. It made sense, they had a natural flow, just like Calvin's blood flow directed at his penis when he thought of Rebecca. He said yes, and from then on, the two were inseparable. Rebecca threw a clock at her mother so that she would let her see Calvin more often. They hung out in Bob and Berts, had coffee and food and they just seemed to enjoy looking into each other's eyes and ignoring everyone. At one point the sexual tension got to a climax and they fucked in the bathrooms. His tiny bishop could barely go inside her, but she loved it, she enjoyed his face.

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