「 1. Late Nights 」

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As usual, Saeyoung has to work late into the night, which is why he squats on the sofa with his equipment in the living room.

Because you want to be with him, you lie on his lap with your head on it and listen to music through headphones just as he does, but at an appropriate volume so you two can talk. Meanwhile, he's mostly devoting himself to his laptop and you to your smartphone.

The whole thing has become a kind of ritual between you. However, you often get a little bored and you start to annoy him a bit. For example, you start to tickle him, play with his hair or lift his top so that your head is under it.

"Y/N, please... I have to work..." he rejects you without looking away from the laptop.

"Come on babe, it's already 2 a.m. ... When will you be done?"

"Just... give me another hour and then we can go to sleep... I promise" he talks calmly and gently strokes your cheek before continuing with his work.

"Okay..." you agree and devote yourself to your smartphone again.

And actually after one hour Saeyoung finished his work and closes his laptop. He shines brightly at you in order to get the message to you, but he has to realize that you have already fallen asleep on his lap.

"Y/N?" he whispers to make sure you're asleep, and actually, no answer.

A tender smile is visible on his face. He gently lifts you up so he can get up to carry you into the bedroom. Carefully he puts you in your bed and covers you up.

"Luckily, you already changed your clothes earlier" he grins and kisses you lovingly on the forehead afterwards.

"Good night my love", he says quietly before he cuddles up to you and falls asleep peacefully.

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