(11) 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦

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My own nausea woke me up, unfortunately. It took me a couple of seconds of shuffling around to feel the effects of being in the foetal position all night. My back completely stiffened up as I lifted myself from where I was resting. I peered through narrowed eyes, adjusting to the light of day, the slightest of movements erupting a banging pain in my head.

I knew I wasn't in my flat, that's for certain. And I could vaguely remember being at The King's Head the night before watching Queen perform again.

I moved my hair out my face and scanned the room with my eyes, laying my sights on Freddie face down on the ground, arms spread out. I could just see his face, his nose scrunched up and his teeth on show, a light snore audible. I chuckled, taking a deep breath and moving my stiff neck round to look at who I was sleeping next to.

At first, I was relieved to see it was Brian I was snuggled up next to. But when I spotted a dark shade of lipstick smudged from his lips, to his jaw and down his neck.

Oh no...

I instantly started to panic, furrowing my eyebrows. Wow, you're a fucking idiot, Maria, what the fuck did you do? Did I shag him? No, I can't have... Oh my God, I bet I made myself look like a right slag, what is wrong with me?

I didn't have long to ponder over my suspected actions, as I heard a door open upstairs, footsteps approaching and the floorboards creaking on the stairs. I scurried out of Brian's embrace and rested my head on the other side of the sofa, closing my eyes. Hopefully whoever was coming downstairs would just think I was asleep.

For a minute, I actually started to nod off back to sleep, but I was disturbed abruptly by someone's hand shaking me. And it was soon evident that it was Emma as I heard her whisper my name, her voice slightly panicked.

I opened my eyes, intentionally groaning to make my act look more convincing. I squinted up at her. "Emma? What's wrong?"

"We have to go." She whispered, looking between me and Brian to make sure he wouldn't wake up. "Like now."

"Why, what's wrong?" I sat up slowly, raising an eyebrow.

"Just... Can we go? Please? I'm like... Desperate." She did look really worried and nervous and it was weird for Emma to act this self-aware this early in the morning.

"Sure... Yeah." I nodded, gently getting up from the sofa, not having much time to stretch myself out before Emma grabbed my arm and pulled me out the house, completely leaving with no word to anyone.

"Emma, what's wrong?" I asked her when we got a decent way back to the flat, my feet hurting immensely from the heels I was wearing. We weren't walking at an insanely fast pace, we were both way too hungover to dwell on our speed.

"I'm so embarrassed..." She mumbled, whining at herself as she bumped into multiple people rushing to get to work early that Saturday morning.

"Why, what did you do?" I slightly raised my voice, getting sick of asking her over and over again.

"Can you not, like... Speak loud?" She whisper-shouted at me, pulling me towards her.

"Well, just tell me what happened then!" I whispered back.

Emma hesitated, but sighed, leaning to my ear. "I got my period."

I scrunched up my eyebrows, moving away from her. "And why is that embarrassing?"

"Because..." She scratched her arm. "It's all over Roger's sheets..."

I widened my eyes, grabbing her arm. "Emma! He's gonna think you've murdered him and that he's dead!"

𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧' 𝐆𝐮𝐲 ➺ 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓃 𝑀𝒶𝓎 & 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃Where stories live. Discover now