Chapter 2

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The rovers leave quickly and Bellamy sits with me in the back. Raven drives as carefully as she can while her and Jasper sing along to the songs on an iPod, the two of them in their own little world to pay attention to us.

"What happened, Clarke?" Bellamy finally asks, his voice quiet and hushed like he didn't care if I heard his question or not. I look into his eyes, trying to keep the tears inside of mine as I answer.

"It all started after Mount Weather. I wanted to leave, and I knew I couldn't do that if he and I were still together, and I had to do it without you knowing because I know you would never have let me leave. But Finn didn't like that, and that was when the first bruise occured. He would come back to the tent nearly every night, drunk off his ass and hit me for either talking to you, or some nights it was even if I so much as looked at you. Then he started to rape me, and keep me from seeing you. Then it was Octavia, then my mother. And then he locked me inside our tent. One night, he came back drunk as usual and said we were leaving. I told him I wasn't going anywhere, so he strangled me and hit me over the head with a bottle... next thing I knew I was in the middle of the forest and he was on top of me. I couldn't do anything... I felt so helpless. I thought things couldn't get any worse, then they did..." I break, the tears flowing down my cheeks again.

"He found the cave after a few nights and stripped me of all my clothes. He burned them, then using one of the sticks that were alight, he burned me. He would always hunt or do something during the day, then give me small scraps to eat. Just enough for me to stay alive, but barely... It was hell Bellamy, I didn't know how to help myself. If I could help myself. What to do. I thought I was going to die there..." I sob.

Bellamy wraps his arm tightly around my shoulders and hugs me close, kissing the top of my head lightly, "But you didn't. You are safe now. I have you back, and there is no way I am letting anything happen to you any further." My heart flutters at his words and I rest my head against his shoulder.

My eyes start to flutter shut in a willed sleep. A peaceful sleep that I have missed...


"Where is she?!!? Raven where is she!?!?!" My mother hollers, rushing around the rovers. "Abby, calm down. She is asleep in the back with Bellamy." Raven returns soothingly. The lock of the back snaps and the door opens a jar, before it's held still.

"Raven, what are you doing? I need to see my daughter." My mother says strongly. "Abby, before you see her. There is something you should know." Raven returns, her voice quavering at the end. "She hasn't been running from us. She was taken-"

The door swings open and I lift my head from Bellamy's shoulder. My mother gasps and claps her hands to her mouth, tears brimming in her eyes. "Clarke..." She whispers out, crawling in beside me. "Hi mum..." I say quietly, my voice still hoarse. "My god... What did he do to you..?" She asks, probably not wanting to know the answer.

Bellamy looks down to me with concern and I shake my head. "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I get you to medical and check over you." She cuts in, taking a deep breath and climbing out of the rover. Bellamy peels from my body and follows her out, jumping from the rover. He turns to me and pulls me towards him, my legs still dead.

He lifts me into his arms and follows my mother to medical, as everyone around gasps at my appearance. I bury my head into Bellamy's chest to hide away from everyone's prying eyes, and take a deep breath, taking in Bellamy's foresty scent.

My mother pulls back a curtain and Bellamy lays me carefully down on the bed. She pulls the curtain closed and turns back to me, looking over the visable bruises in the bright light. "Thank you, Bellamy. Gina's looking for you, we will be fine here." My mother says, moving around him to start examining my body.

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