The Start

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Chapter 15: The Start 

The next day, Lucy found herself running towards the great hall. She was trying to do her tie at the same time and avoid the crowds of people that were heading the same way as her, she had to tell Harry about the Room of Requirement. 

She would have done it yesterday but she hadn't got over the shock of Cedric Diggory and truth be told she hadn't wanted to tell anyone that Cedric Diggory had kissed her in the tri-wizard tournament, she still kept that under wraps in case it destroyed her and Fred's relationship. The only person that knew was Harry and he surely wouldn't tell anyone. 

When she was about to run around the corner, someone stopped her with an outstretched arm. She was about to yell at them to let go but when she stood up straight she saw Fred, his face not showing any emotion and he seemed unreachable. 

"Hi," Lucy smiled awkwardly. 

"Hey," he replied and stared at her, as though trying to figure out something. "What are you doing?" 

"Going to the great hall for breakfast." 

"You seemed rushed, though, why aren't you walking at a normal pace like everyone else?" 

"Because..." Lucy looked around and saw they were being overheard by dozens of Hogwarts students so she took his hand and dragged him down an empty corridor and fixed her tie, just before meeting Fred's eyes again. "I've found a place for the Wizarding Army and Dumbledore's Army." 

Fred's eyes widened in shock. "You have? Where?" 

"Well, it's very hard to find. So hard it disappears when it's not needed." 

", how did you find out about it?" 

"Don't be selfish, I've got to tell the others." Lucy said sternly and Fred's expression turned blank again but she grinned. "Are you going to come with me?" 

"Might as well, I think George is still in the great hall." 

Lucy and Fred made their way to the great hall and then Lucy sat down next to Harry but Fred lingered in the background awkwardly while Lucy discussed the plan. The others — who were part of the DA and WA — nodded eagerly, even those from the other houses had come over to join Lucy's discussing. 

"So we've got somewhere to train?" Hermione whispered excitedly as the others beamed. 

"Most definitely, none of the other students or any teachers will find us, except — " Lucy replied but was interrupted by Snape from behind. 

"And what might you be talking about, Lucy?" Snape asked as everyone else's eyes widened and they all held their breaths. 

"Just telling everyone else about the Wizarding Army and Dumbledore's Army," Lucy smiled and took a bite out of her toast as everyone else stared at them worried and confused. 

"B-But..." Collin Creevy stuttered. 

"I know as much about the secret as you do," Snape narrowed his eyes at Collin who immediately shrunk down in his seat. 

"Why did you tell him, Lucy?" Ron asked as Snape glared at him. 

"Because if it wasn't for my dad we wouldn't have a room and he's very prepared to keep it a secret and help us if we need any assistance." Lucy replied simply as Shona, who was sitting opposite Lucy lowered her Daily Prophet from her face and grinned. 

"He's still an old git though," Shona smiled innocently and everyone laughed apart from Lucy and Snape. 

"Maybe so, but we wouldn't be able to start this club without him." 

Lucy Snape and the Wizarding Army (Book Five)Where stories live. Discover now