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This book goes out to all who have experienced heartache, pain, embarrassment and humiliation and who thought you couldn't get over it. I am here to tell you that you can and you will. All it takes is a lot of persistence, patience and most of all, time.

During the time I was contemplating writing this book, I was a little discouraged most of the time because I was not sure if I could express how I felt or tell my truth to the public. It was not even easy to tell my closest friend what I was feeling for fear of showing too much emotion of looking bad in her eyes; or anyone else's for that matter.

Being a mother, I always tried to look strong in front of my children and not appear weak because I needed them to always see me as a strong, fearless woman. When I would shed any tears, I always apologized because I felt it weakened me in their eyes, but that is one lesson that I learned on this journey....

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