Secret Santa pt. 3

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Super rushed, but I wanted to get a story out this week. Sorry for the bad quality.

Third Person POV

Chan's legs hurt. The poor Aussie was dragged from store to store by the one and only Felix. The younger male still had not found a gift to give to Hyunjin. Chan secretly despised and envied Hyunjin. How the older male yearned for attention from Felix, he could not receive because of this Hyunjin. Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Felix waving a small plushie in front of his face. Startled, Chan inadvertently knocked the plushie out of his hands, sending it flying. Both pairs of eyes followed the plushie before slowly looking back up.


Chan squeaked before rushing to pick up the plushie. Scooping up the stuffie, he turned around meeting two dark brown orbs looking at him. He hesitated, bewildered by the sudden staring contest. Felix's eyes stared deep into his own, concern radiating off of him.

"Channie hyung, are you okay? You were spacing out with an angry look on your face,"

He sighed a bit when he didn't get an answer. Felix felt as if he had done something to anger his hyung and decided to continue shopping instead to let him cool off. He took small steps toward the left, turning his body in the process, walking towards a different section in the store. A hand quickly wrapped around his wrist and yanked him back into a hard chest. Two arms wrapped around him, hot breath fanning his ear.

"I'm sorry Lix, I am just a bit stressed with school work..."

Chan cringed slightly at the lie he told before regaining his attention. He turned Felix around and hugged him again. Felix's arms wrapped around the older's torso and rubbed his face against his chest.

"It's fine hyung, I was just worried you were mad at me,"

Felix pouted and looked up. Chan loosened his grip and smiled at him.

"I could never be mad at you,"

Chan's grin widened when he saw a faint blush spread across Lix's cheeks. He let go of the hug and took his hand in his to look around the store once more.

-30 minutes later-

Felix had successfully found a gift for Hyunjin, Chan still a bit salty at the effort Felix put in (though he never showed that to the younger). Being the cachinnator he is, Felix never stopped laughing the entire time. He truly enjoyed the day with the company of his hyung. Although Felix was very conscientious during the time of picking a gift, the younger tried everything to make Chan laugh. From making ridiculous faces to doing fornite dances.

A smile never left their faces as the day went by, Felix dragging Chan to every object that interested him. The two boys spent countless hours at the mall goofing around even after they had gotten their gifts. As time passed, Felix couldn't help but notice happy Chan was now in contrast to before. Although the younger would always try to snoop in his gift bag he carried around, Chan laughed airly and held the bag close to him.

"You'll find out,"

He would say and giggle as Felix pouted. The sun went down when the two finally left the mall, multiple shopping bags carried behind them. The euphoric feeling of being together stuck with them as they headed home. Their hearts bound together as their attraction for each other grew.

As they reached Felix's house, Chan grew more and more nervous. Secret Santa was tomorrow, and he didn't want to have the feeling of absolute rejection from Felix. He had hoped the younger had similar feelings towards him.

"-an? Chan!"

Chan's eyes widened before pushing hard on the brake pedal, making the car jolt forward. He turned to Felix with worry in his eyes, making sure he was okay. His eyes scanned for any injuries and sighed in relief when he saw none. Chan's eyes darted to Felix's face and immediately hugged him when he saw his teary eyes. He whispered repeatedly apologized, trying to get him to calm down.

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