The Small Shall Rule

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Pretzel Jack, Theloneous Wolfgang, J-Sub, and Headsman arrived in Tokyo by piloting J-Sub through the metro. The four approached the palace doors menacingly, but a guard wielding a lance halted them, denying them further access. After much dispute, the four reluctantly turn and walk off. They rest in the palace garden, and wait to try again the next day. To relieve their frustrations, they engage in the timeless ritual of male bonding and begin urinating on a covered homeless man. Everyone laughed hysterically, until the homeless man threw up his cloak, and yelled "You dare insult I, the Emperor?!" To their shock, the gang quickly became surrounded by Japanese foot soldiers and palace guard. 

Thinking tactically, Pretzel Jack swiftfully grabs the Emperor, and J-Sub readies his exterior hatch to trap the elderly man inside. The Emperor channeled his immense magic power through his hands, freezing Pretzel Jack's body in ice. Before J-Sub could move, the Emperor snapped his fingers and affixed him in place, keeping the submarine suspended a meter above ground. Suddenly, the soldiers struck at Theloneous and Headsman with their lances, cutting them off from their endangered allies. Theloneous pulled his saxophone from his back and blew as hard as he could, the sound reverberations blasting away the overwhelming numbers in front of him. Headsman braced himself, fighting back with one of the soldier's lances. The Emperor is lost from sight. 

Although petrified, J-Sub uses his radar to call up Black Hand reinforcements. Theloneous sustains a deep wound to his abdomen, but continues playing. Headsman is cut deeply into his shoulder, but unwavers against the masses. Off to the side, Pretzel Jack's bladder collapses, causing him to thaw out of the ice. He shatters his frozen prison, falling to his palms and knees. As he gets up, Pretzel Jack is struck by an intense spell of lightning, shattering his sword into crumbs. He collapsed and didn't move. The Emperor laughed euphorically, savoring the joy in taking from others. He levitated upward, then persued the remaining insects. Theloneous noticed the Emperor approaching from above, and directed a saxa-boom at him. The Emperor is thrown back, landing hard on the pavement underneath the affixed J-Sub. As he pushes himself up, a hand grabs his ankle. The Emperor looked over his shoulder in shock to see a determined, nearly dead Pretzel Jack hanging onto him. His eyes stared as if they'd seen years of bloodshed. The Emperor yanked his leg in anger, but Pretzel did not let go. 

Theloneous, Headsman, the Black Hand reinforcements, and the Japanese soldiers all realized what was occuring underneath J-Sub. Pretzel Jack and his friends exchanged nods, and they rushed toward the submarine with a goal in mind. Members of the Black Hand, Theloneous, and Headsman all fought back the horde of soldiers from the top of the sub, their combined weight beginning to push J-Sub downward. The Emperor bludgeoned Pretzel Jack's face with his free boot, yelling at Pretzel Jack to let go. Pretzel reaffirmed his grip. J-Sub trembled in the air as he slowly descended. The Emperor redirected his attention to the sub, preparing magic in his palm. 

Pretzel Jack felt an intense rush of adrenaline, and bit into the Emperor's leg with all his might. The Emperor screamed in response, losing control of the magic spiraling in his hands. Pretzel Jack let out a powerful yell, grabbing onto the Emperor's tunic and forcing him down. The Emperor yelled back as J-Sub's affixation gave out, crushing and killing the two instantly. 

The palace soldiers paused, then dropped their weapons in horror. Their boss had been killed. Their historical tradition said to uphold the Emperor's killer not as a criminal, but instead as the new Emperor. One by one, they dropped and kneeled in respect for the new Emperor of Japan, J-Sub. Theloneous and Headsman collapsed in exhaustion. Theloneous silently cried, not because of his fear, or his loss of blood, but because of the death of his friend. Headsman grabbed Theloneous by the shoulder, breathing hard, and uttered, "We did it."

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