Chapter 12

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Your POV

It's been 3 months since Jimin disappeared. My Jimin has been gone for three whole months and I couldn't be more depressed. Jin actually had me take a mandatory leave because he claimed I was "working too much," and that I needed a "mental health break." Honestly, he's the one who needs a break. Running a café must be stressful, poor guy. On top of that, his employees keep taking advantage of him, tricking him into giving them extra cash.

I feel so empty inside. Like a piece of me is missing. Even though the rest of the boys are here, I didn't realize how much of an impact my boyfriend had on my life. I thought I could go back to normal, being the lonely teenager that only longed for an idol who was half way across the world. But I've met him, and I've fallen in love with him. The real kind, not the delusional love fans fall into.

He's perfect.

But not all is lost, he's still here with the form of my husband...but he's different. He isn't MY Jimin. Min-Ji knows it too. She often leaves us alone so I can ask him about things. He says the resemblance is uncanny, between me and Min-Ji. And I often have to remind him, as during conversations he puts his arm around me or tries to kiss me. I shouldn't do this. He's married to another girl! Even if she's me from an alternate universe, we aren't the same. Maybe Jimin just thinks this is a weird fantasy. Two women who look the same and he happens to be married to one of them. But he just can't seem to seperate us. I think she knows, but she doesn't say anything. 

"Min-Ji, come back," I hear his voice as he runs through the lab.

"No. Why should I when you keep going after her? We have children at home and all you care about is fooling around with another woman," Are they talking about me? Oh my gosh did I just ruin my own relationship?

"Honey, you know she lost her version of me. I'm just trying to give her my upmost support," I hear their footsteps getting closer. I slip into the janitor's closet and eavesdrop.

"I know, but I feel like you're forgetting that you're my husband. And besides, she's way too young for you. She's the younger version of me, lost and afraid. She needs a friend, not another boyfriend," My face twitches as I drop my fake smile.

"You're right. I'll stop flirting with her, I'll keep more of a distance from her. If that's what you want," I hear the man's heavy breathing. He sounds and looks like my Jimin...but he isn't the same. I miss him so much...I can only pray that he's okay.

After hearing the footsteps retreat, I step out of the room. It was cramped and dark, so I'm a little blinded by the light.

"Y/N?" I turn around and find the slightly older version of Jimin standing in front of me.

"Hey Jimin two."

"Listen...we should talk. I can't help but feel like you're latching onto me, because I look, talk, and act like your boyfriend, but you can't do that anymore," He warns me.

"Okay. From now on, I'll stop bothering you. Sorry for ruining your life." I run away, not being able to process the words coming out of his mouth. He looks like my Jimin, but he sure as hell ain't my man.

"No, come back!" He calls me but I'm already miles away. I'm done with being thrown away like trash. I'm going to visit the one person who understands me the best.

I'm going to meet myself.

Jimin POV

It's been 3 months since I was pulled into this world. This stupid mansion with two kids who aren't even mine. But I have to act tough for them, since they're so young. The baby, Min-Hee is an angel. She looks just like Y/N, and it really makes me wonder about my future with her. Maybe if I can find my way back to her, I can get her a promise ring. I want to protect her and hold her tight. She's just too important. At least Hobi-Hyung is here to help. Him and Gee. Even if they don't have kids of their own, they do make pretty damn good parents. In my opinion, anyways.

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