Prolouge: The Birth of Deviants

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"In the mid-late 2000's many human beings have devolved strange and wonderful talents, ranging from, Daniel Browning Smith, dubbed 'rubber boy' for his extreme flexibility which allowed him to fit through a stringless tennis racket. Isao Machii, the Japanese sensation who was known for his superhuman reflexes and his ability to slice  airsoft pellets fired at 550 feet per second in half with his katana. The Ice Man, Wim Hof, this man was able to climb Mount Everest wearing only a pair of shorts, facing blistering cold that would kill an average human within minutes. Then in 2017, Blain Law, a 27 year old military man fighting in the Middle East discovered his true potential. After being trapped inside a interrogation facility, Blain not wanting to reveal any of his ally's motives and plans sacrificed himself to the better cause, he commandeered a radio and ordered a napalm strike on the whole area, effectively roasting everything within a five mile radius to a crisp. Except for Blain that is, he emerged from the destruction unharmed, after being treated for all the smoke he inhaled he discovered that he could wield the power of fire at his fingertips. It started only as sparks and raspy puff of smoke, but as time grew on he was able to rain hell upon those who threatened the free world. There have been many like Blain, all with their own unique twist, the ability to fly, control the weather, and wielding electricity like a weapon and many more. Many of them we call heroes, many others we may call villains, but they as a whole are only called one thing... Deviants." - Professor James McWillis, 2020

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