Chapter Two: Boomer

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The field I stood in seemed fairly well treated and taken care of, save for the circle of charred wheat that seemed to mark where I arrived, "how did I do that," I ask myself, "what am I?" I wander the field trying to find a farm house or at least some trees to sit in the shade and rest for a while. But there were none within walking distance, so instead I listened for any man made sound to follow and find my way out of this huge field. After standing for a few seconds I hear the sound of a motor chugging past to the west, "there we go" I say quietly to myself.

I follow the sound of passing vehicles on my way to God knows where. I start whistling, trying to imitate the birds that chirp nearby, a soft repeating melody, it's calming tones made all the tension in my heart melt away in seconds. The sudden silence lightly surprises me, as I suddenly awake from my day dream, "they flew away" I murmured as I glance at the highway in front of me.

It's been hours since the last car, I sit here with my arm outstretched and thumb shooting upward while I look at the semi truck slowly approaching me. The truck stops beside me and I relax my arm and it falls to my side, "where ya' headed?" The bearded trucker asks in a grisly yet friendly tone.

"Anywhere," I say exhausted. The trucker unlocks his door and beckons me inside with a wave.

"The names Shawn!" he tells me, sticking out my hand, "but my friends call me Boomer." I take his hand and shake it.

"Nice to meet you" I say, "I'm Caz" I add, before mumbling a quiet "I think," to myself.

"I beg your pardon?" Boomer inquires.

"Oh, nothing" I respond "just talking to myself."

"Ah, roger that, hey if you have any problems or want to stop any where just let me know, kay?" Boomer says and I nod.

I think I just made my first new friend.

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