chapter 1

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In a small town located in Georgia named Bogart lived a teenage boy named steven he was 16 he listen to rock n roll and was not the best at school he usually had something better to do. He was running away from something that happened in the past that he never told a soul other then his best friend kyle who unfortunately lives over 500 miles away but he felt as if it was him against the world. One day when he was driving home from school a deer ran out into the road causing steven to swerve off the road and into a tree steven was now in a coma and he was stuck in a dream and he woke up on the couch of his old home in Springfield Ohio. "Whaaaaat the fuuuuck," he says to himself then he realizes he is stuck in the past. His mother comes downstairs tripping on coke meth and pain pills she runs up and starts beating him causing steven to start bleeding from the nose and mouth. Yep, that's what he was running away from his own mother. She stops and goes back upstairs to continue getting high steven gets up and trashes the living room while screaming at the top of his lungs "i fucking hate you" and grabs a bottle of jack daniels and puts it in his book bag and takes off to the woods he had a special place that he would go when he wanted to spend the night outside it was a factory. So he climbed on top of the pipe and started to drink he was only 12 but he felt that when he would get drunk he couldn't feel anything anymore it was the only thing that would make him feel free even if it was for only an hour. He downs the whole bottle and is thinking about running away but he has no money and no place to go. He gets up and goes to his neighbor's house terry and joe they were alcoholics but they let him drink and kept him fed and would make him feel better he never opened up to them about his mother just that she does drugs. So they spend the night getting drunk. The next day steven goes to school hungover smelling like liquor and can not focus on his school work the only thing he can focus on is how he is going to get out of his house so he takes out his notebook and starts to write out a plan of things he can do but then the teacher walks over and takes up his notebook and reads it, the teacher then asks him to come back to his classroom after school to talk to him but steven was supposed to go over to kyle's house so he tells the teacher he can't because he has a doctors appointment right after school because steven did not want anyone to know if you saw him he would always have a smile on his face and if he saw someone that was sad or down he would do anything to make them laugh or feel better he didn't like to think about his situation even though it never left his mind.he goes home with kyle and they play with toy guns and roleplay and act like its the zombie apocalypse when they take a break and eat lunch kyle asks steven "can i come over to your house you always come to mine" and steven panics he doesn't know what to say so he just says" there is not another bed you can sleep on and we have spiders" and kyle says that he does not mind sleeping on the floor and that's when steven told kyle well the majority of it he didn't tell him everything and steven made kyle promise to never tell anyone. Steven went home the next day and kyles mom dropped him off and that's when kyles mom met stevens mom and of course stevens mom acted like she was number one mom of the year like she always does then when they left she beat steven because he went to kyle's house for not asking even tho he did she was just too high to remember. Well, this time he had a black eye and he told everyone at school that someone jumped him because he also had bruises on his arms and Springfield was not a place for kids it was gang city so everyone believed him but kyle knew. Steven walked home and while he was walking home he was thinking about how much he just wants his mother to change and be a real mother just like kyles mom was to her son. He wanted a family he felt as if he and kyle were brothers and that he was apart of there family. He reached his house and his neighbor terry was outside smoking a cigarette and he sat down next to her and he felt like they were his family as weel they took care of him and they would always hang out listen to music especially joe he played a big part of stevens life even if they would let him drink thats not all he cared about he cared about them but then they tell steven that they are moving and steven immediately thinks "what if i asked my mom if i could move in with you guys" and they were cool with it so he went home and asks his mom and she gets real upset and angry and slaps steven hard and tells him to go to his room so he goes to his room and he gets sick and tired of getting hit and beat by his own other that he grabs his phone and takes off down stairs and walks outside and calls 911 he runs down the street when his mom gets into her van chasing him he is running in the middle of the road because the sidewalk was getting worked on and he tells 911 that his mom beats him and is chasing him in a black van and steven's mom trys to hit steven with the car and steven stops and runs toward the house because 911 told him to get to a safe place so he runs into the neighbors house and locks the doors locking them out of their own home and the cops come and steven explains everything and shows the police the bruises and the cop laughs in his face and says" boy you just made those yourself your mother told us everything how you were trying to run away because she told you to do a chore if you were my boy i would blister your ass" and stevens heart drops because he has done all of this and all he can think of is what his mom is going to do to him next so he asks the cop "what can i do right now to go to jail because i would rather be in jail then here with her she is lying" he ignores steven and starts to talk to his mom so steven interrupts them and says" what can you do about possession of drugs" and the cop is just stunned so steven gets up goes to open the door to his house and says i can show you she has drugs in her room and the officer says"yea i bet you planted them to huh" and steven tries to open the door but its locked. The cops leave and stevens mom tells him to get into the van and they go to a trailer park that steven has never seen in his life and his mom says, ''I'll be back" and goes into a trailer steven waits for 4 hours straight and his mom comes back her hair is messy and her make up is messed up steven knows exactly what happened and his mom looks over at him and says "what it was just an old friend from high school" steven just keeps silence and they go home.

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