my fault

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I wake up throw on some leggings and my boyfriend's sweatshirt put my hair up and finish getting ready, school has been so exhausting I could really use a break everyone said that junior year would be the year, but it's only been chaos, and the only people keeping me in check is my best friends and my boyfriend.

my boyfriend and I have been together since 8th grade he's my confidant and my best friend. I could never imagine my life without him he's always been there. we started being besties in kindergarten and we started dating in 8th grade and we still are I truly do love him with all my heart.

from the moment when he grabbed my hand in Mrs. Taylor's kindergarten class and said "Callie when we get older we will get married I'm sure of it, because you are my favorite person and the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on" I knew he would be around for a long long time.

I walk downstairs to eat breakfast before heading off to school. I pop some toast in the toaster and wipe some butter on it, grab my keys and head out the door.

As I'm driving down the road I get a text, and I ignore it and put my phone to the side. As pull into the parking lot, I notice a front row parking space. This hardly ever happens I speed up to get a lot and boom I got it. My first accomplishment of the day I'd say I'm doing pretty good.

I hope out of the car, get my things, and check my phone it was a text from my best friend Emma

Emma: meet me in the library when you get to school

Me: Okay you got it

I walk to the library holding my books in one hand and my phone in the other. I quietly open the library doors "what are we doing in here em" I put my stuff down "relax Cal I just needed to clear my head and be away from all the noise" she kicks her feet up on the table. "well I'm supposed to meet Tyler at my locker when the bell rings so what's up Emma" she sits straight up and looks me in the eyes.

"there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now" she messes with her bracelet she does that when she's nervous hey tell me, you know you can tell me anything" I grab her bracelet. " I like you, Cal, and there's no easy way to say this, but I've liked you for a while" I move my hand away and try to understand what's going on.

The bell rings " I have to meet Tyler now" I grab my things and hurry out of there. As I'm walking down the hall I can't help but think about this she's been my best friend since 5th grade and I never even got a sense that she was into girls especially me her best friend, why do I have to go through this, why couldn't she like someone else.

Just as i'm wondering I feel someone jerk my hands and pull me to the lockers it's Tyler thank God. I hold on to him not wanting to let go, he makes me feel safe and careless like it's just us on a planet that nobody knows of just him and me.

"well hey to you too I'm guessing you missed me" I look at him with a sad look "you have no idea" I pull away and put in my combination to get into my locker. I can't get it my mind is too focused on Emma. I get frustrated and slam my hand on the locker "ugh I give up" I fall to my knees and begin to sob Tyler kindly opens my locker and helps me up he grabs me and wraps me up in his arms "what's wrong Callie" I grab my stuff for class "nothing I've just had a stressful day I'll see you in 2nd period" I kiss his cheek and walk to class.

i sat my stuff on my desk and walk up to the teacher "may i please use the restroom" she nodded so i walked to the restroom. i splashed my face with water and took some breaths in. as i was walking back to class i saw Emma she was stuffing her backpack and crying. i quickly hide behind a pillar she slams her locker close and runs up stairs.

i walk into class and listen to the teacher, well i tried to. i text Emma, she saw it but left me on read. it's my fault that she's crying if i wouldn't have of walked away from her she wouldn't be upset right now.

the bell rings and i go to my locker, and then before heading to class i walk by Emma's locker to see if i could catch her and talk to her. she wasn't there so i headed on to class. i go over to Tyler and sit my stuff down.

i lay my head on him he grabs my hand " are you okay" i look up at him "i just want this day to be over already" i can feel tears filling up my eyes "i tell you what you head home i'll go to the store get snacks and i'll come over with my hoodie and watch Netflixs and i will stay over" i put my head back down "okay sounds good."

in the middle of 2nd period we hear gunshots. what we thought would be a normal day just turned out to be a total nightmare. we get down under the desks. the teacher pulls in stranded students and closes the door, but it slips her mind to lock the door. Tyler pulls me in closer.

mr. White comes over the speaker and addresses that we are under lockdown, but it's not enough to comfort us that everything will be okay.

soon you can hear the shooter yelling as i listen closer i hear Emma. Emma is responsible for all of this, no way. i start freaking out this is my fault if i would've just listened to her.

i get up to go after her, but Tyler pulls me back "what are you doing" i look back at him "that's Emma, and she's only doing this because of me it's my fault and i have to fix this" he pulls me into his grip "no callie you can't do anything to stop her and she's got herself in this mess you can't untangle her web" i loosen my grip "i'll never be able to forgive myself if i don't stop her" he looks at me dead in the eyes "no, don't go after her please you're the only thing that i've got and i don't know what i'll do without you" i look down in tears and look up " i love you Tyler" i get up and run out the teacher yells after me but it's no help.

i snake around the hallways and i see her i kneel down and keep my eye on her. i feel someone's hands on my back i jump up and it's Tyler. "what are you doing" i jerk away from him "i can't let you risk your life for us" i look over the corner and notice she's not there " we have to keep moving we're not safe sitting here" he gives me a look "uhh yeah we're not safe anywhere here" i roll my eyes. we head to the front office and open the door.

i gasp and look at the floor and grab Dorthys hand the front office lady her blood still fresh, her body turned cold and blue. i head to the back and see the principal laying there dead he didn't even get the chance to do morning announcements. i look up at Tyler "they're all gone" he grabs me and holds me " lets get somewhere safe please" i run to the phone i pick it up and dial 911 but no ring i look down the wires were cut i look at all the phones "she cut the wires" i look over to Tyler " well let's hide then she won't be back over here so we're the safest" he reaches for my hand " no Tyler i need to stop her."

i peak my head out the door and walk out i look back at Tyler and look away. i can't look at him knowing that we may not make it out i wipe my tears and walk out. as i run hallway to hallway. i hear more shots i fall down to the ground and cover my ears i feel like my souls is slowly leaving my body. i look forward and see Tyler running towards me. he wraps me up in his arms and runs to the bathroom, closes and locks the door. "did you get hit?" i open my eyes "no, no i'm okay i was just closing my ears."

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