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Huh? How did you find a way out??

In every room there are windows and they're all closed except for one. I jumped off it

Hoseok felt his heart beat accelerating, his brain telling him that Yoongi was lying terribly, that he shouldn't trust him.
It can't be that he escaped like that...


No, I don't think you did it like this.

Who are you? You aren't Yoongi

Just try. We are in the fucking first floor, hobi. Nothing will happen to you. Try seeing the windows in the room and you'll find that one of them is not locked

What? I am Yoongi! Why don't you trust me, hobi? Does the fear make you stop believing the closest people to you?

This is getting funnier~
!Not delivered

Okay... I'll see

Hoseok, then, turned on his phone's flash and walked almost blindly to the windows. There were three of them. Two locked, one opened.
Wide open. It felt like a trap.

He sat on the edge, seeing the oddly close ground with a relieved sigh. Maybe what his lover said was true, maybe Yoongi was out there waiting for him. All his friends will live happily and they'll escape this hideous house.

He debated whether to jump or not when he felt a strong power pushing him off.
The ground wasn't at all close.

The last thing he saw was the puddle of blood forming under his scattered body in an immense pain, and a pair of bright red eyes shining in the darkness.
A sweet voice broke the silence, echoing in the empty space, telling him over and over again that Yoongi never loved him.

A tear fell on his cheek before he left the world forever.

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