About The Story

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Won't be posted here in Wattpad due to personal reasons. Thank you. Please proceed to GS # 4: Control The Game.

(Game Series # 3) Avery Brienne Eliseo never wanted the 'normal' life. Ever since she was born, she already knew that the life she'd lead would be far from what's normal... until her stupid cousin decided to 'protect' her by giving her a new life. But she wasn't stupid. She knew that one day, she'd have to go back to save his ass.

She needed to make friends—powerful friends. She needed people who would be of help when she needs protection. And where would she find powerful friends? In law school. The students there are the future presidents, senators, and congressmen of the country. She needed to be friends with powerful people...

And when she met Maven de Marco and learned that he's the most powerful one? She's determined to make him hers.


To buy the book, you can go to Eydee GDL on facebook to order. Thank you. 

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