George asked his mother, what is the technology era.His mother replied in an extremely strange matter wondering who told him about the technology era. The technology era is a time when people made so much electricity it almost polluted everybody in the world.The pollution on Earth was making most humans die and almost all of the animals with them. The technology era was the most dangerous time to ever live since humans have being around.
She replied saying, it all started with a young scientist called Dr Smooth, who wanted eternal happiness for human beings. He attempted this by making a shape shifting robot which can turn into anything you like whenever you like, all you need to is say a rhyme to do with the thing you want, for example:
Give me a moon
Very very soon
Just give me a moon
5 years later, Dr Smooth finished his shape shifting robot. All he had to do now was to test the robot. 5 years later, Dr Smooth finished his shape shifting robot. He walked to his testing room, placed his robot and told the robot a rhyme to get a cup of water. Dr Smooth was amazed, his invention actually worked!
Dr Smooth went to the news department to show his invention, the news producer asked Dr Smooth, what was that? Before Dr Smooth Could say what it was, he was quickly interrupted, by some staff, one said, is it a bird. Dr Smooth was surprised, would a news producer say my robot is a bird. Dr Smooth said it's a 's' and once again he was interrupted and the other staff said, is it a plane, and again another staff member said all of you are incredibly dumb it's obviously a car for babies. No No and Noooo!!! Dr Smooth Raging, screaming and yelling its a shape shifting robot. You are all the dumbest people I have ever met. I came here to see if you could advertise my product. I'll even prove to you its real. So Dr Smooth Did a rhyme and it worked again. The news producers were so surprised, they put the product on the news, they replaced every other object used on a commercial with the shape shifting robot and soon enough everybody had a shape shifting robot, except one.
Dr Smooth's son Steve, the only person in smoothville (named after Dr Smooth) who didn't have a shape-shifting robot saw how polluted Smoothville was, he knew it was up to him to stop the pollution. Steve was seeing people die because Dr Smooth was making lots of factories polluting everywhere on Earth.
Steve did know a few things about the robots though. He knew that there was a robot core which means if anybody destroys it all of the robots will be destroyed. So Steve got his bow all of his arrows sticks water and swords, to blast through all of its defences.
Steve walked into the factory, it was huge! The control robot asked for Steve's ID. When Steve was trying to prove that he was Dr Smooth's son, the robot sent in armies worth of robots. Steve was in huge danger, but Steve would never give up in a situation like this, so he battled the robots. Unfortunately Steve was outnumbered so Steve backed away.
Steve felt miserable, he now all humans will be extinct because of my failure. But he didn't give up. He still had a backup plan. Steve's backup plan was to make a powerful bomb to blast the robot factory into bits get killed but then he would save the Earth. Just as Steve finished making his powerful bomb, Steve started to choke he realised the pollution was too strong for him to survive and he knew he didn't have much time to stop the pollution. Steve went to the kitchen looking for any sort of mask. He could find any mask. The only thing he found was a shape-shifting robot. "Wow I have a fantastic idea," Steve said. He was going to do a rhyme to make a mask.
To save the Earth I have a task
My task is to make a mask
I need it to do my actual task
He got the mask and put it on.
He went to the factory and threw the bomb at the factory. Steve ran as fast as he could but the robot smashed the bomb. Steve threw ten more bombs at the factory, but they all were smashed, Steve had no more bombs so he backed off again.
Steve asked his Dad to stop making shape-shifting robots. He showed him the sky, the clouds and how smokey everything was. Dr Smooth laughed, laughed and laughed Continuously until he chocked, "I'll save you daddy!" Steve screamed trying to give him a mask. After a while he stopped chocking. Dr Smooth took another look around and realised what he did "what have I done!!! Ok Steve I will help you. I will think of a rhyme to make a button to explode all of the robots and together we will make history as father and son.
So Dr Smooth made a rhyme:
I need a button
please don't be stubborn
So give a button
Dr Smooth got a button and said Goodbye robots and pressed the button. There was a sudden shock then all of the robots disappeared. All of the trees started to grow again, the pale brown grass came back to life and all of the smog went away. Billions of lives were saved. We did it, We did it Steve cheered, Dr Smooth smiled in joy, then he started to giggle a little bit. Then he was laughing continuously harder than he has ever before.
After the story George asked how she knew so much about the technology era. Mum told George something very, very important. Mum said to George, "George it's about time you know she too a deep breath and said "your grandad is Dr Smooth" and your daddy is Steve, Steve walked towards George. Steve laughed like he did with his father, the day him and his dad saved Earth from the human extinction. Steve thought if there would be another technology era. Steve said in his head, whatever that most likely won't be in my lifetime. Steve was happy.
The end
Extinction of humans
Short StoryGeorge asked his mother, what is the technology era.His mother replied in an extremely strange matter wondering who told him about the technology era. The technology era is a time when people made so much electricity it almost polluted everybody in...