Stolen heart / Nick Mayorga

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 Hello guys, and welcome to my wattpad story. 

I'm new and not so good with english so I apologize if I spell something wrong or that. I have a great imagination so I think you'll like this, if you don't that's okay everyone has a different taste in kind of stories they want to read.



"And now the moment you've been waiting for..." Adi pronounces as he stands at the main door of the house "...a new member of Free time AND a new resident of this house..." Tal continues as I nervously wait behind the doors, "...who is a female and is related to us..." I heard Adi's voice which was a sign to me to slowly start to 'reveal'.

"One and only... Alexandra Fishman!" I jumped through the door and put my hands in the air *like I just don't care heh*.

Everyone clapped and we all went to eat. I got to know every and each one of the members and they were all so funny and great to hang with. I was really feeling like I will be in good terms with all of them.

Time skip - a few months later

"And that is how you deal with a noisy brother " I wink in the camera and turn it off. I pranked Adi because he was so noisy and wanted to know everything about anything in my life. 

He thought I was dating someone from Free time... that's crazy!

As the day went by, Nick and Jojo asked me to be in one of their videos for their channel.

I accepted the offer and quickly packed my stuff. They said that Jojo will pick me up in 10 and I was a complete mess. I quickly dressed my timeless shirt and tied the bottom in the knot and put on some skinny, high wasted jeans with my white nikes. I brushed my hair and put an Orbit gum in my mouth as I went down the stairs.

"And where are you going?" Caylus asked mouthfull of cereal and milk.

"Just going to shoot something with Nick and Jojo" I motioned to the door as I saw Jojo waiting for me and smiled.

Caylus smirked and gave me a thumbs up, I waved and went outside to meet Jojo. 

"Hey stranger" I said while he was looking at his phone, very intimidating.

"Oh. I- Well... Hi" he stuttered and we both laughed at his foolishness. We got in the car and he started driving. 

"So, we wanted to film never have I ever, BUT there's a catch" Jojo starts to explain.

"Of course there is.." I interrupt him, but he ignores. "the loser will have to expose one secret of theirs" I look up in shock. This is going to be a hell of a interesting video.

In the middle of the video*

( I put the dialog like this cause it was easier for me...LOL )

Jojo- OK! My tuuurn...uuuummmm, never have I ever had a crush on Alex

I stand in shock with my three fingers still up seeing Nick's  last finger go down

Nick - Fuck you Jojo

He smiles and looks at me.

Jojo - tell us your secret Nick Mayorga!

I was waiting for his secret to reveal still in shock from what just happened.  I had a crush on Nick since day one at free time house!

Nick -  I had a crush on Alex since she joined Free time

Jojo let some ooh's escape his mouth

Alex - Wait..really?

Nick -  Yeah...

Alex -  Why didn't you say something?

Nick - I didn't think you would ever feel the same!

Alex - I do feel the same. 

Nick -  Really? This is not a prank or something?

Alex - No, is yours?

Nick - No...

Jojo - okay, I should leave you two alone

Nick - Jojo...

Jojo - What?

Nick and I both motion to the camera that was still filming.

Jojo - Screw you I thought you won't notice.

Jojo turned the camera off and left the room, I was alone with Nick looking in his green eyes while my stomach was sinking all the way down. Butterflies filled my tummy and my heart was beating like crazy. I didn't ever think this day could come...

Nick looked me deeply in my y/e/c eyes and without a word pressed his soft lips on mine. It felt like there were just us and nothing else, like the whole world sank upon our feet and we were flying in a middle of nowhere. 

I always dreamed about something like this... I guess it's true what they say.

"If you can dream it, you can do it"


I hope you liked this one and don't worry I'm working on improving my english and trying to give you a content that you want.

I will write longer ones, but this is for now it so I'm sorry and don't worry haha.

Sayonara for now ;)

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