♥ My birthday boy / Caylus ♥

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Finally! The day I've been waiting since Caylus and I got together! HIS BIRTHDAY! I'm so excited, I've got him so many presents I hope he'll like...

Free time boys and I planned the surprise party that will be going on before the party that Caylus is "planning". We asked him if he could move his party to 11 p.m. because a lot of us aren't able to come sooner (which was a lie)!

We invited all his friends and close ones who support him to their 'mansion' in 9 p.m. because Caylus wouldn't be expecting them at that time and I know for a fact that is when he's getting home after a small dinner with his family. Everything was almost ready, but...

"HOW SO YOU MEAN YOU LOST THEM?!" I yelled at Anthony, but calmed down immediately.

"I- i don't know I just-, they were with me in the KFC and then when I got here they vanished" Anthony exclaimed and put his hands in the air to 'prove his innocence'  

"Anthony Rivera. Did. You. Leave. The. Presents. In. The. Kentucky. FRICKIN' fried. Chicken??" I asked obviously annoyed by him.

"May be or may be not? I'll go look" he said and ran out of the house and screamed like little girl. He was always scared of me because he did dumb things all the time and I was the one who had to put him in order.

"You better..." I almost whisper and face palm myself. Nick, his brother and Jojo come to me and ask me if the decorations were good.

"At least that's going right as we planned" my chuckle followed with theirs. 

"Yay, we're good" Jojo said mocking Tal, Adi and Jason who were struggling with getting the beverages in the house. There was a lot of alcohol and juices.

"Woah, woah, woah. Try not to spill that" I say as I help Adi carry Vodka's. He was carrying too much at the time while Tal and Jason only had two bottles each.

"I was just trying to speed the process"he said making a sad face.

"And how did that turn out?" I smile at him. Emily enters and we hug.

"See, this is how surprise party looks like Em, take notes" Adi says mocking her as shse didn't plan a surprise party for his birthday, we all knew he was jsut kidding and was satisfied with the surprise date that we planned for the two of them.

"Ha-ha, bro" she mocked him back and we laughed.

"Mike could you please see where Anthony is, I mean it's not like you're helping or anything" he rolled his eyes and I gave him a glare, but eventually he got off the couch and went looking for him.

It was 8 p.m. and party started in an hour so I decided to text Caylus to see if this is going according to plan too.


Hey ginger boy, when you coming home?x:YOU (8:02 p.m.)

(8:03 p.m.) Amor🥺🥰🥵: Around 9 xx

All righty my boy:YOU (8:03 P.M.)


"LOOK Y/N I FOUND THEM!" Anthony jumped in the house with shit load of presents for Caylus.

"Thank God! Where's Mike?" I asked.

"He's taking in the rest of it" as he said that everything seemed in place and finally something was going right in my life!

_time skip_

We all got dressed and I straightened my hair, put a bit of make up on and wore a dark blue, sparkly dress with black heels.

When I checked it was 8:54 p.m. and I got downstairs. Everybody shushed me as my heals heard as I was walking and we heard a car.

So Caylus should be here any minute now yay! 

As I thought that I heard the front door unlock...




"SURPRISE" we all yell and I go kiss him and give him a hug.

"Happy birthday babe !" I say and pull out of the hug seeing his shocked face made me laugh.

"This is amazing, what the hell" He looked around and at me.

"You are the best and only thing I could wish for though" I melted as he said that 

"I couldn't do it without others" I shrug and yell "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED"


We all had fun, we danced, talked, jumped in the pool.

And the party was coming to an end


"Y/n, come here a sec" Caylus called me and I approached him.

"What's up?" I smiled and was a little scared about what he wanted to talk about.

"Why did you waste your money on all these presents?" he was a little sad

"I would give anything for your happiness" I shrugged. I bought him all the new filming gear and a tech picture frame which changed photos every few secs and played some music that we both loved.

"You make me happy, not your presents" he said and pressed his lips on my.

I smiled and felt him smile too. I am so blessed with my ginger boo.

He's the most precious thing in the world and I hope he stays mine for life <3.

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