Chapter Seven

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     Once she had made up her mind everything fell into place. She and Cardin took the elevator to the top floor and got out of the compound. He was as annoying as ever and she couldn't believe how happy she was about that. Over the next few months they hunted Grimm, ate fantastic food, laughed a lot, bickered more and everything just felt right. She avoided watching the news since it was mostly about the end of the resistance. Though she felt a bit guilty about that and despised the implant she had to allow... it was worth it.

     The world really was at peace with Ozpin in charge. Everyone lived comfortably and had a sense of fulfilment as they were allowed to follow their interests. Of course the Grimm were always around and while Ozpin kept a few as 'pets', there were many still posing a threat to the people so there was never a shortage of work. She died a few times when she and Cardin got in over their heads but always woke back in the bedroom of the lovely little house she had bought.

     Everything was wonderful until she heard a broadcast on someone's scroll while they were eating at a cafe. The leaders of the resistance were refusing to cooperate after their capture. They were to be executed as dangerous criminals. Immediately her only thought was rescuing them. She didn't know all the council members all that well but she liked them and she couldn't let him kill Yang and Glynda!

     "You're not going to go after them, are you?" Cardin asked, frowning.

     "I have to."

     "No." He said sharply. "They made their choices just like you did. You just made the right choice."

     "It was the selfish choice, not the right one." She snapped, standing. "I don't care if this is a dream, I can't just let Yang die like that."

     "You realize you will fail." He said.

     "Don't care." She left him at the table and made her way to the prison everyone was kept in. The guards recognized her the instant she was within sight and they were ready - but they were not trained hunters. She disabled rather than killed where possible as she fought her way through the building in search of the friends she had abandoned. The whole time a rational little voice in her head screamed at her that she was being stupid, they had nowhere to go if she freed them. All of them had implants and could be tracked easily. There was no way to free them, only delay the inevitable.

     She ignored it, the guilt that had been quietly building up in the back of her mind had surged forward and taken over. Even if she failed, she had to try. By the time she got to the right floor of the right wing, every official knew what was going on and had prepared. She found herself surrounded by furious soldiers. As she fought her way through, she watched as they shot each of the captives through the bars. Her sister, Glynda, Jaune, Book.... one by one they died. Then the guns turned on her.

     She woke in the harsh, mocking light of the medical lab, on the narrow hospital bed she thought she would never have to see again. It wasn't long before a doctor hurried in and began poking and prodding, taking her pulse, blood pressure and watching her eyes.

     "How are you feeling, Ruby?" He asked cheerfully as he went through the checks, apparently satisfied with the results of each. "You've been unconscious for almost a week. Everyone's been worried."

     She didn't bother responding. It didn't matter.

     "Are you okay?" He asked, his smile fading. He didn't relax when she nodded. "I'll be back soon."

     Would Cardin come again or had she messed up bad enough that he was lost forever? She curled up, pulling the thin blanket tight around her. She wanted to go back... she wanted that normal life, the one that should have been. Her and Cardin killing Grimm and yelling at each other over petty disagreements. It had been so perfect.

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