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Just a warning it will be swearing in this.... like a lot.... okay.


Louis Tomlinson:


”I DON´T GIVE A FUCK!!” I try not to scream out in anger but it´s pretty hard when every single person is a fucking dickhead.

“DON´T FUCKING SWEAR YOU FUCKING PRICK” I already know she is angry but I honestly couldn´t care less, she is a fucking bitch and that isn´t my fucking fault. I didn´t fucking make, it wasn´t my vagina she come out of! I don´t even have a vagina I´m a fucking dude I have a fucking dick!

“LOUIS FUCKING TOMLINSON DON´T YOUR DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME WHEN I FUCKING TALK TO YOU!” I don´t listen because she isn´t my fucking mom, she is just some stupid bitch that think she owns me. I am a fucking person let me do what I fucking want.

“LOUIS!!!! AAAAAHHHH I LOVE YOU!!!” I try not to be mean when I walk out from the bus and are met with the screams of fans, I don´t want to be a totally ass to them because without them I wouldn’t be here. They are my family so I won´t scream at them.

“LOUIS LET´S TALK THIS OUT!!” I hear Eleanor scream after me but I just keep walking, honestly I don´t understand what her deal is, it´s not like she hasn´t slept with someone that isn´t me. Sure she was drunk and it was one time but come on I was drunk all those times too!!!

I walk over to our fans just because I know that they are the only people who can make me smile when I have a fucking bad day, like today.

“Hey guys” I say and hug a few of them and try not to fall in to the crowed of million teenagers I can´t really explain to the boys one more time why I don´t have anything else on my then my boxer and a ripped shirt… It was awkward last time and they didn´t believe me, they are fuckers every single one of them… Okay maybe not Liam because he didn´t laugh his ass off… he just laughed his dick off.

I talk to the fans and take a few pictures with them. That is one of the things I love with what I do all the support you get from all those people. I don´t give a fuck about anything when I hang out with them.

“Louis we need to talk.” I can hear the screams get higher when Eleanor stands beside me, I don´t understand why people like us together we are freaking bad. We don´t even look cute together. Sure she is a really pretty girl but she is a real fucking bitch and I can´t be in the same room as her for more than five minutes. I don´t even know why I am dating this chick I basically hate her, she don´t do anything right the only thing she does is drinking her fucking Starbucks and swearing her ass off. She is pretty but as fast as she opens her mouth she is an ugly bitch.

I know that my mother has told me not to call people bitches or stuff like that but come on she hasn´t met Eleanor. I know that she can be sweet but we don´t work together we always fight and can´t even stand each other.

“Not now” I answer her and try to keep my mood good so I don´t do something I will regret, I will never hit a girl and that is something that is so hard to keep when I am around Eleanor. She just makes me so angry like I do every fucking thing wrong!!!

“No we need to talk and we can´t keep acting like nothing has changed” She says and sounds like she is trying really hard to make me understand something, she probably is but I don´t give a flying fuck about what she has to say.

She grabs me by the arm and drag me away from all the fans, I think a few of them thinks something else is going on because they are shouting pretty weird stuff… I AM NOT FUCKING GETTING LAID WITH ELEANOR!!!!! No.

“Louis can´t you see that I am trying to make us work and it won´t happen if you keep fucking around” She says and look like she is going to cry. The funny thing is that she thinks I don´t know that she is sneaking around with Max every single night just so they can kiss. I know they have slept together once but I also know that she has given him blowjobs and handjobs. It´s not a relationship we have she is having one with Max but use me to get famous. YOU´RE NOT FUCKING FAMOUS FOR SLEEPING WITH A ROCKSTAR GET THAT IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD!!!

“We are never going to work out and you know that Eleanor” I say and try not to sound like I couldn´t care less because that is how I feel. I try not to be a heart less fucker but it´s hard okay because that is what I was born as! BABY I WAS FUCKING BORN THIS WAY!!!

I hear how the door to the bus open and of fucking course no one else than Zayn Fucking Malik stands there with his perfect boyfriend Liam Freaking Payne. I don´t need them right now, the only thing they will say is to us to get back to how we use to be. IT WON´T FUCKING WORK I CAN´T STAND THE FUCKING GIRL SHE IS A FUCKING BITCH!!!

“Louis are you really doing this? Again?” Liam asks and I try not to throw a lamp on him, it´s really fucking hard when he can´t keep his fucking nose out of my fucking life he has no fucking thing in it to begin with.


I can see both Josh and Niall coming in to the bus and that is when I realize that it won´t work if I stay here right now, I need to be alone like for real. I don´t need to be around someone I just need to be alone and remember who I really am. But it´s so fucking hard when no one in this fucking bus understands how I need it to be. They don´t understand that I need to be alone.

I walk out from the bus for the second time today and ignore the fans that are screaming my name. I know that half of them will hate me by tomorrow but then they aren´t real fans. They shouldn’t care if we are totally assholes because honestly it´s only me who is. They should like us for our music not for who we are, and they do know I care they just need to realize that sometimes I do things because it´s the best for both the fans and me.

I really fuck up so many times that I am surprised that they keep showing up to our shows. Maybe they know that this really isn´t me.

I haven´t always been a fucking asshole, it just kind of started two years ago when I started to date Eleanor, maybe they know I´m not happy with her. All I really want is to be happy, is that too much to ask for? Because if it is, then I´m fucked…. Again. 


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