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3rd Person P.O.V
Five girls in a village were working at a cafè/bar called the Boar Hat. Two of these girls were working at the counter. One girl had long black hair with a light pink headband;she's about average height and she somehow is able to see despite her eyes being closed all the time, the other had midnight purple hair tied up in a ponytail with some of it covering her right eye;her uncovered eye was a chocolate brown. One was in the kitchen cooking meals, she has whitish blonde hair put in a braid and light violet eyes. The last two were serving the last customers of the day, one had vibrant pink  hair that curled at the end and hazel eyes, the other (who was the owner of the Boar Hat)
had long blue greenish silver hair that cover her left eye, her uncovered eye was a beautiful crystal blue.

Once all their customers left.......

Something happen


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