Chapter 11- Flayed

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   Nancy drove up the driveway of the house. All eight of them got out of the car. They walked up to the door, and Nancy rang the door bell.  No answer. She rang it again. Nothing. Jonathan and Nancy exchanged looks, then looked at El. El unlocked the door, and opened it. The eight of them walked in, in a single file line. Will stood behind Jess, holding her hand, keeping her calm. "Tom?" Nancy said, seeing if anyone was home. "Heather?" She looked around the corner, and began walking.

"Jesus, its freezing." Max said. All of them followed Nancy down the hall. Nancy sniffed and stopped. "Do you guys smell that?" she asked. Everyone sniffed, then continued walking. They walked into the kitchen, with the fridge tipped over, and chemicals all over it. The top and corner were melted.

"Oh." Jessica coughed.

"Oh, god." Nancy said. "More chemicals." She walked closer to the melted, tipped over, fridge.

"Nancy don't walk closer." Jess said. Everyone walked forward, and Johnathan picked up a can of Clorox.

"You think they're guzzling this shit?" He asked, looking at Nancy, then back at the can.

"Yeah, either that or they just went on a hell of a cleaning spree." Nancy replied.

"But last year, Will didn't eat chemicals." Max said. "Did you?"

"No." Will said. "This is something new."

"Mr. Clarke, fifth grade. Posit." Mike said. "What happens when you mix chemicals together?"

"You create a new substance." Lucas, Will and Jess said together.

"What if they're making something?" Mike asked.

"In themselves?" Max said. "I mean, come on, if you drink this crap, it'll kill you."

"Yeah, if you're human." Lucas commented.

All of them followed Nancy into the dinning room. "I don't like this." Jess said to Will.

"I know Jessybean." Will said, kissing the top of her head, because she was 3 inches shorter than him. The dinning room table was set, with spilled wine on the table cloth.

There was a blood stain on the carpet, "Blood." Nancy said. "Yesterday, Tom had a bandage on his forehead." There was a wine bottle that was emptied. Jess picked it up, and found blood on the label. Nancy leaned over and looked at it.

"He was attacked." Jess said, Nancy nodded in agreement. She looked into the hall, and the carpet was all bunched up to one side. Implying that Tom Holloway's body had been dragged by someone. Well, Billy and Heather. Everyone followed Jess and Nancy, they found a blood stain on the carpet, leading to a door. Nancy opened it, following the red line, to the garage door. Jess opened it, and everyone filed into the garage after the two girls. Jess leaned down, and picked up the end of a rope. She looked at Jonathan.

"They must have tied them." He said. "They must have taken them somewhere.

"Mrs. Driscoll." Nancy said suddenly. Everyone looked at her. "She kept saying... 'I have to go back.'" Nancy looked at the group. "What if the flaying, it's taking place somewhere else?" Nancy looked at Jess.

"There must be a place where all this started, right?" Jess continued Nancy's point. "A source." 

"Somewhere he didn't want me to see." El said.

"If we can find the source, then maybe we can stop him." Nancy said.

"Or at least stop it from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals" Jess stated.

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