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Being friends with James Potter since childhood meant getting dragged into his circle of friends without choice. I was always the introvert. James the extrovert. Two opposites yet we got along well. He was the life of the party, very social, so he always made a lot of friends. And always made sure I joined in the fun. He never discriminated. And I loved that about him.

After we both started going to Hogwarts when we turned 11, it didn't take much time for James to find more friends.

Remus Lupin. The shy and held back boy.

Peter Pettigrew. The small wreck of nerves.

And last but not least. James' best mate.

Sirius Black. The mischievous loud-mouth.

Based on first impressions I felt that James and Sirius would wreck a lot of havoc if left alone to their own devices. And oh how it was true.

Sirius from the start was rather flamboyant. Always the center of attention. He became very popular among the female population of the school. Soon enough he was known as the charmer, the player, the lady-killer. Though I never actually knew of any acts of advancement on his part towards anyone. Just baseless rumors, though that didn't mean he didn't enjoy them.

Even so, to me there always seemed something off about Sirius. Like he wasn't being himself completely. A lingering feeling of secrecy always followed him. It wasn't until James and I walked in on him changing that we found out, he was being abused. The scars, the marks. Then he told us. About his family. His mother.

I remember pulling him into an embrace because I couldn't take the pained look on his face. I never though I'd see the devil-may-care Sirius Black so broken. I remember crying later that night.  It was just too cruel. Soon Sirius decided we should tell Remus and Peter as well. And we did.

Remus was very held back at first but he opened up little by little. By our second year we found out about his secret that he worked so hard to keep, that he was a werewolf. Though contrary to his belief we did not abandon him, instead it helped us all become closer as we worked hard to help him through this.

Among us, loyalty to each other mattered more than anything and by merlin's beard we were not going to leave him for something that wasn't his fault. My heart ached just thinking about what he might go through every month, it was obvious he still had some doubts so we made sure to show him that he is as cherished as any one of us. So we all decided to become animagi, since a werewolf only attacked humans. And by our fifth year we could all transform into our animagus form.

With James as a stag, Sirius as a great Black dog, Peter as a grey fat rat and I as a/an (ani).

But damn did that kid have a mouth on him when he tried. The sass could just burn through you. Yet he always remained courteous and respectful to all. Hell he even made prefect.

Peter became somewhat less of a mess. He was making progress however still held back. He often had trouble keeping up with the school work but he always seemed to try his best. Though over time he started to become slightly distant towards everyone, or that's what it seemed like to me. Yet you could always find him on the sidelines. Always looking up to James and Sirius like most did.
The magic duo. The trouble makers. And us together......

Why......We were, 'The Marauders'.

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