Roisa is endgame, no matter what

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Rose figured out the perfect plan to escape. She'd hurt herself and while driving to a hospital she was going to be hit by a car in which there are a half dozen of  Roses. She'd sneak into a car driven by Bobby, her loyal and faithful companion, and drive where no one could ever find them. They weren't really driving for long when Rose told Bobby to stop. They hadn't even reached their destination yet but Rose wanted him to stop driving. They were standing in the middle of a boulevard with trees immersed into the most beautiful red and yellow tones when Rose put on her face mask. She's now definitely looking more innocent. Her hair is black now and her skin color changed into an olive-brown skin tone.  As she caught a glimpse of the beautiful area they had landed in,  Rose took a deep breath in. Haven't said anything for about five minutes, Bobby wanted to stop the silence by whistling the melody of „comptine d'un autre été" because, after the past months working with Rose, he knew that she loved the piano as she often whistled different melodies. She was a great pianist herself but she never showed it to anybody, not even Bobby nor Luisa because that would reveal her soft and vulnerable side. But at the very moment,  Bobby was whistling this melody, Rose broke down in tears. Bobby didn't know what had gotten into her.  " What is it?" Bobby tried to approach her but she seemed quite absent so she didn't respond. She's never looked this weak before and even though she was wearing the face mask Bobby could see the pain in her ocean blue eyes and the worries in her only wrinkle on her forehead. She was biting her cheeks so that her very distinctive cheekbones showed even more. Seeing her like that, massively overwhelmed Bobby. He wanted to hug her and tell her it was gonna be alright but the way she shivered and tapped her heels on the ground in agitated and nervous movements held him back. She sighed and wiped her tears away. Bobby had never seen Rose like this but he felt like he needed to say something cheering.  So he thought he would need to bring Luisa up. Full of enthusiasm he said: „Rose you're gonna see Luisa in a couple minutes! Don't keep yourself from that."
Hearing  Luisa's name Rose covered her tear-stained face with her hands. „That's the point... it's Luisa" she blubbered out. She couldn't help but sob again. „I know that Luisa betrayed me whole the time" she halfheartedly yelled. Her voice crack put shivers down Bobby's spine. Seeing Rose this vulnerable hit him right in the heart. And not believing what Rose had said, he stumbled across the street looking like there's been a flash of lightning. „Yes" responded Rose to his reaction. He couldn't believe it. „How do you know?" he stuttered.
"I don't know but what if... what if she doesn't love me any more or what if the things I did, stop her from believing me. When I said I would never commit any crime again. I meant it and even if she eft me I am going to keep that promise. What if she doesn't love me as much as I love her?" Another teardrop ran down her face. The fire in her eyes faded which led into them looking just like a shroud of fog. Her teardrops had loosened the face mask a tiny bit so Bobby suggested giving her his scarf to cover the uneven part on her neck.
"She doesn't love me anymore Bobby", said Rose... at that very moment Rose decided to stand up again and take control of the situation because she sure never wanted anyone to see the weak part of her. " Come on, let's go to our spot". By our spot, she meant the cottage at the edge of the woods about 35 miles driving through the thicket of Georgia. Rose thought about that Luisa had never seen the cottage but that ain't what Rose wanted to think about at that very moment. She actually told Luisa to meet where they first met. The bar in Fort Lauderdale... but she couldn't stop her mind from telling her, Luisa was going to betray her. So what she did instead was sending a girl wearing a face mask and according to that, looking exactly like Rose. Bobby didn't know about her plan this time because if Rose had learned one thing the past years it was that she couldn't trust anyone but herself.
"You need to go to Fort Lauderdale and meet Luisa. Take care of the second Rose" she commanded.
"What shall I do with Luisa, you don't even trust her so how can I?" Bobby kindly asked. "That's the point.. I trust her. Way too much if you're asking me. Everybody knows that she's my weakness and that's why they definitely tried to talk her into working with the cops. Luisa must've fallen for them because they a hundred percent sure used Rafael. She'd always put him first. And in case they couldn't talk her into working with the cops, I left her a message saying that I was gonna come and pick her up at the place we first met. The girl I sent is wearing the exact same dress I was wearing back then. Tell the girl to hug her and give her a gentle kiss on the collarbone to feel whether it's Luisa or not. In case it feels like wax, tell her to lock herself up in the cellar."  "Okay Rose, just text me the instructions and I'll do whatever you demand me to do." "Now", Rose said."In case it is Luisa, pick her up, and bring her to the cottage. I stored one-third of all the money there. You may have half of it and then disappear. Take the flight to Germany... your family is waiting for you", she claimed provocatively. "Got you" groaned Bobby as he hugged her tightly and drove away. Rose walked to the next bush where she once placed a motor scooter. A good hour later Rose arrived at the cottage and Bobby walked right into the bar finding the girl all alone. "Hey Rose", he joked. The girl laughed. They ordered two cokes as Bobby received the instructions. He pretended to show fake Rose memes but they weren't memes.. they were the instructions. Rose always has a plan he thought when he realized that Rose even cared enough to send two bodyguards to the bar acting as if they were bartenders. And then Luisa walked in wearing an orange sundress and white sneakers and a cute diamond necklace plus two silvery hoops. Her hair was curled and the curls looked angelic and her hazel brown eyes just shone brighter than ever. She almost looked carefree. But there was a difference in the way she moved which made Bobby insecure about whether it really was Luisa. 
The dress had a beautiful v-neck but her collarbone was covered by the gray cardigan she seemed to wear. "Rose" began to nervously smile and walk towards Luisa. She pushed her into a deep hug but Luisa pulled back. "Rose, I can't do this", she stuttered. "Why?" "It doesn't feel right, I don't recognize you anymore. We both changed, for good, but it will work between us no longer. Don't you think so?" As Luisa said these words fake Rose's voice kept cracking and she sobbed. Well done if you're asking me..  She gently kissed her collarbone as Luisa sighed pleasantly and needed to swallow. That's when fake Rose realized it really was Luisa. "Useless lesbians", spoke Bobby under his breath when Luisa grabbed fake Roses chin and pulled it towards her face. "Luisa", fake Rose said. "Not now, you're gonna leave with Bobby and I'm going to wait for you at the place where we're going to meet. Reaching the car Bobby had to take a deep breath... " I can't believe you didn't involve the cops", he whispered in relief. "I did," she said. Bobby started back.." but I sent them to the wrong place" she finished her sentence. " We still need to hurry though," she said quickly, feeling a painful clench in her chest and stomach.
" First I want you to put on different clothes. More comfortable ones because it's gonna be a long ride. That wasn't true, actually, it was to cut her off of the world. But Luisa did what he demanded. "I'll put your hair into a bun", he said, already starting to brush her hair. He obviously wanted to make sure whether it really was Luisa. "Ok Bobby, what's going on?" "Uhhmmm", he stuttered. "Just do what I say or we can't meet Rose". "May I touch your chest?" he asked but Luisa brushed his hand off her chest quickly. He grabbed her chest again but as he then realized it was real Luisa he withdrew his hand quickly. Afterward, he threw her purse out of the window and stepped onto it a few times and then threw the purse and her clothes into an old-clothes-container. Sitting down next to Luisa who clearly was in a rage,  he pushed the accelerator. " What was that?", Luisa yelled angrily. "Luisa, I know it sounds weird but believe me, it's worth it. We need to rush a bit because they already put an amber alert for all three of us." "Your words don't make any sense Bobby", she laughed and you could see the tension in her face fade. "Sorry," said Bobby apologetically. Luisa turned on the radio to hear the news and put her hair into a half up-do. Having listened to two of the current charts there was an urgent notification, warning the people about Luisa, Bobby, and Rose to declare them as highly dangerous. Bobby stopped the car quickly to grab two face masks from the backseat but at that very moment a car crossed their line. That's when he realized he would need to take the cumbersome way, a really small country lane but the person in the car must've already recognized the two of them and turned into the same lane. Bobby passed Luisa a gun to shoot the wheels of the car but she couldn't do it. Luisa grabbed the steering wheel from Bobby whilst he fired three shots. The first one went terribly wrong and didn't hit anything but the ground. The second one hit the dipped headlight and the third one went right into the wheel which pulled the car around harshly. This gave Bobby and Luisa a leg up. Now Bobby knew he needed to push the accelerator even harder which pushed both of them into their seats. At this moment Luisa couldn't help but scream. Then Bobby turned into an even smaller path through the woods where they were clearly out of range because the radio kept rattling. "Are you ready to take off?" Bobby wanted to know. "I don't know" answered Luisa honestly. "I've just gone to an ashram for two weeks to get over the fact that there ain't no family left. But I think it's about time. I've never really felt worthy of my family's love and respect and that's what Rose definitely gives me." "Gotcha gurl", Bobby answered. "I'm gonna miss you!" "You won't believe me but I will as well." You've got such a kind soul and I just wish you all the best. I know it ain't easy working for Rose but now that I'm by her side she won't ever get back to you", sighed Luisa. "To be honest, I really enjoyed working for her, she gave me the best job you could get. I just needed to find the money and spend time with my favorite person in the world, he said whilst wearing a huge and contagious smile." Luisa just smiled back at him and leaned against the window imagining her future with Rose. It sure will be rosy she thought, laughing at her own joke. "I think they lost track of us" Bobby interrupted Luisa's thoughts. She nodded in silence but her thoughts were all about Rose. She never really stopped loving her and she couldn't live without her, that's what her final decision looked like. She sure had done bad things to humans and also her family – and this is when Luisa wasn't sure about her decision anymore. Bobby flicked Luisa's hand and got her out of her mental chaos.  "Thanks, Bobby" she moaned. "We've arrived", Bobby added. "Ohh shoot" escaped Luisa's rosy lips. She took one last look in the car mirror as she hesitated to open the door.
"Kissable gurl" whispered Bobby. This sentence took all her insecurities away like a soft breeze of Roses perfume. "Luisa we've already been here for about 15 minutes and we need to walk another 20 minutes. "Oops," said Luisa, feeling guilty because her mind has clearly been somewhere else again.  "Here take these," said Bobby and offered Luisa a couple of plastic-bag-shoes.  "They don't leave any traces and we're wading in the water a short while to really make sure they can't find us in the first place ." "Simple pimple", answered Luisa and put the shoes on. As they've been wading in the water for about 8 minutes Luisa's gotten freezing cold. She shivered with cold and really needed a warm place before she was going to freeze to death. Three minutes later they arrived at the cottage. Standing right in front of it, Luisa trembled even more. Was it enthusiasm, fear, or just the cold?
She couldn't knock on the door.. she just couldn't, but Bobby had the keys. "Rose really is a mastermind!", he detected. Luisa nodded in agreement. Bobby gave Luisa one last and long-lasting hug and then disappeared without a warning. Now here I am,  thought Luisa but from the back of the cottage, she heard a quiet but wonderful melody. The melody of Luisa's favorite song. Tears flooded into her eyes as she realized it wasn't a recording... it was Rose. She almost silently sneaked into the small living room where Rose played the piano. But Rose could've heard her still shivering if she hadn't been distracted. My favorite song she thought. Their song,more or less because it was played, right when Rose walked into the bar.  It is "photograph" by Ed Sheeran because yup, Luisa was and still is a useless romantic and lesbian. She watched Rose sitting there, wearing skinny dark blue jeans and a violet hoodie. She's never seen her this basic but the other way around she wore leggings and a baggy shirt. Still, you could perfectly see her incredibly beautiful curves. Her dark red and curly hair fell onto her shoulders and Luisa almost slavered, still staring at Rose. As Rose played the last notes she turned around in shock. She didn't expect Luisa and her heart skipped at least three beats. Luisa still shivered. "Luisa" said Rose with tears in the eyes. You could see her tear-stained face and red nose but these were happy tears. The fog shroud in her eyes immediately disappeared.. the ocean blueness of them reappeared. "You're shivering", realized Rose. "I'm cold" stuttered Luisa whose eyes also brightened in the same exact moment. Rose took a blanket and then wrapped her arms around Luisa and gently caressed her body. "Better?" she teased. "I'm gonna turn the heating on", she said because as much as she wanted to romantically light the fireplace, she couldn't because it would've helped the police.
"I missed you", said Rose but Luisa's mind kept imagining more than just the gentle caress of  Rose. "Absent?" Rose wanted to know. She was scared that this was about Rafael but Luisa stared into her eyes intensively and began to brush a hair strand out of Roses's face. She put her finger underneath her chin but when she pulled her closer and closer, she hesitated. This made Rose feel insecure. "What's wrong?" she wanted to know. "Uhm... I....... I haven't kissed anyone the past six years, she stuttered. " I couldn't." That's when Rose put her left hand underneath Luisa's jawline to minimize the space between the two of them, while she placed her other hand on Luisa's hips to pull her closer down there as well. As their lips met, Luisa could smell the breeze of  Roses perfume she'd been longing for for too long and she could taste her soft lips again and stare into Roses's eyes. She could finally feel Roses heart beating faster and hear her satisfied sighs and her smile as their lips opened more and more.  Rose gently put her tongue into Luisa's mouth to send soft and positive stimuli and see the shine in Luisa's eyes again, hear her quiet moan and quick breath. That's when she owned Luisa's heart entirely.....

My insta: luisa.and.rose_roisa
Sorry. I prolly made a lot of mistakes. But nevertheless... I hope you liked it and I'd be grateful if you left a comment or inspiration or you know just fair criticism.

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