After the War

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All Tony knew was complete relief when he saw Peter's face during the battle.

He had run up to Tony frantically, helping him to his feet and starting a conversation as if they weren't fighting for the sake of the universe.

Tony had felt numb.

The wave of tears that came from his eyes was overwhelming as Peter rambled on about being "dusty" and Dr. Strange creating portals. He found that he could have listened to the sound of the teenager's voice forever and he melted at the mere sight of him. He hadn't changed at all.

Tony stumbled forward like a zombie and all but crashed into the kid as he wrapped him in his arms, causing Peter to go stiff for a moment before he returned the gesture.

"Oh. This is nice."

Tony laughed in pure relief at the remark, pulling him closer and looking up as if thanking whatever gods were out there for returning Peter back to him, which just days before he had thought was impossible.

The battle continued.

And they won.

~ ~ ~

Why am I here...again?


I thought...this was over...


Please, not again...

"M-Mr. Stark?"

He turned on a dime at the whimper. Peter was there, stumbling, his eyes glossy with tears. He was looking at his hands and his body in horror as they began to disintegrate.

"I don't feel so good..."

"You're alright," Tony croaked out, rushing forward to catch Peter.

"I don't...I don't know what happening..."

Peter crashed into Tony, grabbing fistfuls of his jacket as Tony clenched to Peter in return as if he were his lifeline. He could practically feel the most important person to him in the world fading to ash, and he could feel painful tears threatening him as Peter's back began to bounce with sobs.

"I don't want to go," Peter begged, the statement making Tony completely weak. "I don't want to go, sir, please."

His legs began disappearing underneath him before he toppled to the ground, Tony following suit. He cradled Peter's head with his hand gently, staring at the teenager with wide eyes as Peter stared up into space, a tear falling down his face as he turned to look at Tony.

"Why did you do this?" Peter asked, and Tony doubled back at the question.

"Why did I...?"

"You brought me here," Peter said through a cough, swallowing thickly as he began to slowly but surely disappear. "You did this."

With that, the teenager looked back up at the sky as his face turned to dust, leaving Tony to stare in horror at the pile of ash that lay in his place.

"P-Peter, no," he said weakly, patting around the area as if he would still be there. "I didn't do this, I didn't do this."

He bit his lip, shaking his head in denial before raising his hands to his head and clenching fistfuls of his hair.

"Peter, I didn't do this! Peter, please, come back!"


~ ~ ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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