So it begins

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Drew's POV:

As soon as our kiss breaks Aurora falls into my arms unconscious. I frown and lift her up. What the Hades just happened? Did it work?

"What did you do?" Ares growls, but looks more worried than anything.

"I don't know." I reply.

He groans, "Let's just get her to Olympus. We can put her in her room and find out how she is when she wakes up. With any luck she will have her memories back"

We take her up to Olympus. Gently I lower her onto her bed and pull the covers over her. Ares went to tell the others while I watch over her. I sit by her side and hold her hand.

"Ro you have to remember me. If you wake and don't remember I am sure you will hate me...I can't stand the thought of you hating me, because I love you." I lean over to her lips and gently kiss her.

Then I stand up and walk to her door. I lean against the door and watch her.

"Drew!" My father calls me from down the hall, "Come with me."

I glance at Aurora one more time before shutting the door. Then I head by my father.

Normal POV:

Memories flash through me as I dream. I remember my whole past. As the final one flows through I start to wake. Slowly I open my eyes. My head throbs and so does most of my body. It feels like I have been through war. Suddenly light fills the room as my door opens. I put my hands over my eyes and groan.

"Aurora you're awake." Clearly it is a male in here.

"Would you turn the light down a bit?" I grumble.

"Oh right," Apollo stands before me now not shining, "Sorry I just got back and wanted to check up on you. How do you feel?"

"You mean do I remember everything?" I reply, "Yeah I have all my memories back, but my head and everything hurt."

"Maybe I could help with that. Give me your hand." I reach my hand out and he takes it.

Slowly I see his hand glow and my pain starts to leave my body. After five minutes he stops and let's my hand go.

Pollo looks at me, "Does that feel better?"

I nod, "Thanks, Pollo. How long was I out?"

He sighs, "A week, maybe a few days later. Drew has been difficult to get out of your room. He just went back to camp yesterday."

I smile slightly, "I am guessing I am in trouble for going against orders."

He chuckles and looks down, "Well my father isn't to happy with you."

"I shouldn't have done it. Pollo I just really thought it would help and I wanted my mother." A tear slips my eye, "He wasn't going to bring her back at all."

Pollo sits beside me and wipes the tear away, "I am so sorry, but there is no way to bring her back. If there was I swear I would try to help, but there just isn't."

I nod and stop my tears.

"Listen I have to go, but please stay in Olympus." trying to make a joke he says, "And that is a Doctor's order."

With that he leaves. I stand up and change . Then I decide to go find Zeus. Knowing he will be in his room where he controls the weather I head there. Right away I see him and step in. Zeus sees me and looks up shocked.

"Hey brother." I greet nervously.

Zeus looks both angry, relieved and uneasy, "You're up and with your memories. What are you doing in here?"

I smile half heartedly, "I knew I would have to face you sooner or later. Brother it may not help my case, but I am sorry. You were right and I should have listened."

He looks even more shocked at my words, "I was angry for awhile, but then I became worried you would get hurt. When I heard you lost your memories all my anger was gone. All that mattered was you."

I smile and for the first time in ages give him a hug. He actually hugs back for a moment.

Then he pulls back, "You should go see the others. Ares has been worried about you."

I smile, "Yeah I might have to say thanks to him."

I walk out and search for Ares. Of course I find him in the gym. He battles a imaginary opponent and I laugh. At the sound of my laugh he stops and looks to me.

"Well if you were actually fighting someone you'd be dead now." I tease, "What did you teach me? 'Never lose your focus. No distractions.'"

He smiles, "Yeah, yeah whatever."

I smile, "I was told you were worried about me."

Ares rolls his eyes and lies badly, "Nah, I wasn't worried. I was just acting for the others."

"Thanks for saving me." I say.

He nods, "You're welcome, but your lover boy did the kissing. I wasn't going to."

I turn around to find Drew behind me. He puts his arms around my waist. While I put my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"Thanks for saving me." I say to him.

He smiles and we start to make out.

Suddenly we hear Phro say, "That is so cute and romantic."

Both of us pull away, "How can the goddess of love ruin the mood?"

Zeus and the others (Except Hades and Poseidon) walk in, "Cute, but we have to leave. Typhon is attacking."

I frown, "Can I help?"

Pollo steps in, "Nope you are staying put. Tomorrow you can go visit Hades, but else you stay."

A smile comes to my face, "I get to guard all of Olympus. Can I control the weather? Can I sit on your thrones?"

Zeus answers, "Half yes, no, and no. Hestia and you are guarding."

I frown and pout, "Well that is less fun."

"We need to go." Athena says.

"Pollo take the mortal back to camp and then join us." Zeus orders.

They nod and in a flash are all gone. I sigh and walk around to find my sister.

It has been a week and I have been nervous about talking to my brother Hades. I mean I did escape his palace. After a few hours I decided to look for my sister. Soon I find her by the fireplace, in the throne room. She smiles over to me and pats on the seat beside her. I walk over and sit down at her side. We talk for a while and then I decide to check on the gods.

I walk over to the globe and tap on the huge storm. It zooms in to show the actual battle going on. Right away I watch as Dionysus is thrown from the sky and lands in a mountain. Looking to Zeus I see something about to stab him from behind. Even though he will be pissed I grab one of his small lightning bolts and press it into the globe. It hits the weapon and sends it flying to the ground. My brother looks around confused.

Aurora what are you doing with my bolts? I smirk and reply, saving your butt like normal. I hear him groan, fine but only when necessary. Looking at Ares I use another one to help him. As soon as it looks like they can handle themselves I stop.

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