Chapter 1

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Basch jumps in his seat. He's about to chew out whoever the fuck interrupted his-

On second thought, he's been hunched over his computer for the past three hours without stopping. A small break wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, Basch," Elizabeta says as she proceeds to drop yet another stack of... paperwork? 'This damn woman really has some damn muscles for all this.'

Basch rubs furiously at his eyes, bags and all. "What the fuck is this?"

"What do you think? More papework. And this time... from accounting! Isn't that fun?!" She pipes up, as she makes mock jazz hands.

'Accounting? Isn't this...?'

"Where's the damn Austrian? Isn't this his load of work?" Basch complains, but despite the bite to his words he's sort of maybe scared of the prospect of spending another three hours at his desk. Or maybe pissed. He's pissed 90% of the time, now that he thinks about it.

"Roderich is in a meeting right now," Elizabeta explains as she moves towards Basch's precious coffee machine, the one Lili had boughten. "Which is why someone else has to advance on the accounting paperwork."
She pours herself a cup. "Wow, didn't peg you as a hazelnut type of guy, haha."

"Why me, then?" He now moves to rub at his temples. Forget Elizabeta's questioning regarding his, very tasteful, mind you, coffee choices. He's gonna need something for this oncoming headache. "Ask someone else."

"There is no one else. I tried Kiku, Berwald, and even Alfred. Every one has their hands full." Elizabeta swears she can feel daggers at her back. But she continues nevertheless. Her nickname in the work wing wouldn't be "Prince of the Iron Fists" if she let a manlet like Basch intimidate her. "Besides..."

Basch doesn't like where this is going. Not one bit.

"Weren't you two close before? Think of it as a favor, sort of. Maybe he-"

Basch slams his laptop shut. Elizabeta stops.

"Okay okay okay," She places her hands in front of her and heads for the door, "I get it."

Basch grumbles under his breath and begins to leaf through, what was supposed to be Roderich's, not fucking his, all the paperwork.

"Ah! Almost forgot!" Elizabeta runs back from the door to his office to his desk, "You comin' for some drinks after work? Kiku says it's on him tonight."

'Ugh, the headache only gets worse from here, Bach," He internally laments to himself. "If I ever get the fuck out of here. Do you not see the fucking stacks you dropped off?

Elizabeta's clear, honeyed laugh echoes through the office. "I'll let him know," She lays a hit, which Basch was probably meant to interpret as a pat, to his shoulder. "Don't look so glum, you big old grump."

'Yet another place to rub at. Goodie.'

"Easy for you to say," he complains. You're not the one doing your ex's share of paperwork.

"C'mon! I can convince Roderich to lay it easy on you for tomorrow. How about that, huh?" The smile Elizabeta directs at Basch is almost blinding. "He can't say no to these bad boys!" She puts on her best puppy dog eyes impression. "Can't say no to these either," She says as she flexes her arms, her dress shirt showing her formidable muscled arms.


"Aw fuck," She curses at the sudden tearing of her snowy white shirt as she, finally, much to Basch's relief, leaves his office. "Not another one. Third time this week, god dammit!"

"Fucking shit! Damn you to hell, Roderich," Basch curses under his breath as he begrudingly opens up his computer once more. He doesn't want to keep working. But he doesn't want Roderich to win.

'Maybe ditching this, going out for a drink, and letting Roderich actually do his own fucking work wouldn't hurt.'

Who is he kidding. He's already three pages in.


A/N: Woah hey hey! This time, I really have nothing to say for myself. I completely forgot about this fic till now ahshdjkskgmdmg

BUT!! I'm back! This chapter was meant to be a short intro, but it uh, amounted to almost 650 words (lol).

also, I'll keep up the old chapters so i can see my improvement huhuhu.

idk SHIT abt business and departments and stuff so I'll research some. until then, pls bare with me.

I'll churn out the next update when i can, so please be patient! Comments and suggestions r much appreciated >:]

(also this chapter wasnt beta'd. no proofreading, we read rewrites of old cringey anime fics like men)

also also! should i move this fic to an entirely different new story, or just keep it here? pls let me know :")

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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