dangerous liaisons

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Alexi's POV

It's been a few days since Klaus and I have been friends we have been hanging out alot. When I am with him I get this weried feeling in my stomach but that doesn't mean anything right.

I'm in the kitchen having some breakfast when Stefan, Elena and Damon walk in. Stefan has his judging look on his face wich I don't like.

Stefan us about to open his mouth when there was a knock on the door.

I went to answer it when I got there no one was there but there 4 envelopes and a box. Each of us had an envelop address to us but the box had my name on.

I pass Elena, Stefan and Damon theirs then I walk into the living room and sit on the sofa I open the envelop and started to read it.

Please join the Mikaelson family

This evening at seven o'clock

For dancing, cocktails and celebrations.

When I turnd mine to the back I saw a note.

I hope to see you there

Klaus x

I open the box to find a blue dress it's realy pretty I wouldn't have been able to choose a dress as perfect as this one.

I walk back into the kitchen to find Stefan and Damon telling Elena that she is not allowed to go.

Me- what's the big deal it's a ball there not going to try anything and plus Elena will be fine she has the three of us.

Stefan- Esther wants to meet her and plus your not going Alexi.

Me- Oh yeah watch me! Elena would you like to come get ready in my room.

Elena- Yeah sure If you don't mind.

Me and Elena left the kitchen as we did Damon growled at me. I just ignored him.

Up in my room Elena is asking me questions about my passed.

Elena- so when you left Damon and Stefan what happened with you did you ever fall in love.

Me- I didn't leave I was taken and yes I did it was Kol Mikaelson and if you ask me love is over rated.

Elena- Oh how did it end between you two.


I was sitting at the bar waiting for Kol he asked me to met him here he had a surprise for me.

I waited for hours thinking maybe something held him up.

A few bottles later my phone vibrated

Had to go away. It wouldn't have worked between us any way


I could feel the anger building up in me. So I replied

Great thanks alot dick.


From the minuite I sent the text I decied to give up and not fall in love.

End of flashback

I looked over at the clock and it was 6:30 I put my dress on Elena did aswell. My hair was curled with half up hair style. I looked in the mirror and started smiling.

Elena told me I looked realy pretty.

Of corse I told Elena she looked lovely too.

As we walk down stairs Stefan and Damon were at the bottom in there suits wich of corse they looked dashing.

Alexi Salvatore A forgotten Salvatore sisterWhere stories live. Discover now