Chapter 1: Anger Management

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I am fucking furious. I have to take my last semester of high school ever with the school prince in most of my classes. I'm done with life. I can't drop out cause my dad might actually strangle me if I do. And my grandfather would join him.

Layne kicks me in the foot, getting me to lift my head up. Mr. Dalla, my grandpa, stares me down angrily. I sigh, sitting up. No one knows he's my grandfather except a handful of idiots I call friends and a few people I don't talk to.

I shoot a glare at Layne for kicking me so hard. She shrugs, putting her dark brown hair up in a ponytail. Fucking athlete legs. She's been my friend through thick and thin. In my school I'm know as the grandchild of a hit man. Thus I have a form of respect but it's out of fear. Layne though, doesn't care and neither does her parents. They are the most nonjudgmental people you could meet.

The unhealthy respect from my classmates also may or may not be from the fact that I get have a rather angry demeanor. I have also gotten into a couple fights but they were always started by other people. Usually people who fight do it to go up in the ranks of respect in the school. At the top is Leon Deangelo, the Prince. He isn't called the Prince because he is the son of the new pack leader. He gets into fights all the time because people think they can beat him.

Omegas love Leon. He is a alpha with power, money and good looks. His only issue? He has a shitty personality and only cares about sex. I hate him. His very presence makes my blood boil. It's hard to think I was childhood friends with a scumbag like him.

The bell rings and I practically sprint out of the class room. I shove past people to get out of the school as fast as possible. My shift starts in a half hour and it's a fifteen minute walk from here plus the time to change clothes is about ten minutes.

I step out into the cold outdoors and haul ass down the street. Cars speed down the streets. People clammer happily and walk at a normal pace as I bolt past them. The coffee cup sign comes into view and I relax my walk.

I walk in, a friendly jiggle greeting me. The shop is empty as usual at this time. Dale walk out of the back in his normal clothes, his thick curly Afro out of its wrap. We wave at each as I walk into the back. I made it with time to spare thankfully.

I drop my bag and quickly take off my button down shirt and leave my black T-shirt. Ava walks in as I grab my black, long sleeve button up work shirt from my locker. It always surprise me how tall and thin she is, but I guess it's no surprise she's a model. For a beta she stands out. She takes off her shirt not giving two shit above my presence.

Quickly I tie my tan apron around my waist and walk out to the store, leaving on my beanie. I punch in then clean some equipment as I wait. Dale and Lisa never clean which ticks me off but they make up for it with speed. Plus their coffee isn't terrible.

Since I have the afternoon shift I can be calm and take it easy which is exactly what I need. Ava is pretty great to work with as well but Lisa likes to fight with us. Lisa thinks that we work too slow or have no idea what we are doing.

The blonde haired pain in the ass walks out of the back with the paper straws. She cuts open the bag and pours it out into the cup we use. I fix my apron then lean against the counter, waiting.

" Hey omega, quit slacking," Lisa gripes.

I shoot her a glare, " You damn well know my name."

The door bell rings and the afternoon rush begins.


I glance up at the clock, my shift ends in ten minutes. The rush died down about an hour ago and only a couple people have been coming in. Lisa has been slacking in the back and Ava has been kind of slow so I've been working the register and the machines. It's already started to get dark out, maybe I can called dad and ask him to get me.

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