Chapter 11: Serenity

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Ashia laughs as she plays with Riley, Heath's new son, her new baby cousin. Riley reaches up after her bow that she dangles above him. He kicks excitedly once he grabs hold of it. Today is Ashia's seventh birthday but she prefers Riley over the rest of her presents.

Aiden leans against me on the couch, resting his head on my shoulder. I kiss the top of his head then watch Ashia. A thought crosses my mind, I look at Aiden in thought.

" Maybe Ashia would want a baby brother or sister?" I whisper into Aiden's ear.

He looks at me, his face red, " As long as you're the one who pushes it out."

I chuckle and peck his lips, " Imagine another Ashia running around."

He smiles, " That would be pretty cute."

Mr. Vanos walks in with his mate. I get down on the floor and sit between Aiden's legs so they can sit. They sit on the couch beside Aiden, hand in hand. They've been together for a long time, like my parents have. Aiden pets my head then leans over and sets his head on mine.

Heath stands beside his wife Marina, sitting in the recliner. My dad cruises in, talking with Rose and Kyanna while holding a bowl of chips. Rose laughs about something with Kyanna and my dad simply rolls his eyes.

" How does it feel to be the pack leader?" Mr. Vanos asks.

I laugh, looking back at him, " It's a task. I wouldn't be able to do it without my family's support."

Aiden pets my head, still watching the children. He is most likely thinking about work.

" I heard that you are currently conducting a treaty between Lorn and Aria and ourselves," My father throws in proudly.

" Indeed but it's best to keep it under wraps for now," I state.

Aiden sighs, obviously annoyed by us. He doesn't like the pack leader thing because he's worried about Ashia being treated differently. I look back at him with his head over me.

He looks down at me curiously and I bring his head down. He leans closer, pecking my nose then lips. If I didn't have his support I wouldn't be the leader.

" So Aiden, when are you going to quit working to take care of Ashia?" My dad asks. He's been dying to get Aiden to be a stay at home dad.

" When he gets old like me, " The elderly Felix Nanlo, Aiden's grandfather and Jonas Vanos's Father , says, walking into the living room with a glass of water and Aiden's other grandfather Grandpa Dalla.

We make space for the grumpy seventy year old men to sit. They gripe for a moment then chuckle together.

There's still a group back in the kitchen. Aiden's Cousin Jazmin and her mate Rylan, and Aiden's Uncle Randol. His cousin, not by blood, Jaxon and his mate Lynn hangs out in the kitchen as well. Most likely avoiding us.

An old hand gropes my left pec, " Awe yes, you picked a good one Aiden. "

The moment Grandpa Nanlo removes his hands I cover my chest, scandalized. Aiden laughs at me, wrapping his arms over my shoulders. I laugh lightly with him. These old men and their strange tendencies.

Jaxon's twin daughters, Bailey and Hayley, run around, catching Ashia's attention. She leaves Riley for a moment then drags the two six year olds over to play. Layne's three year old son, Brixton, sits in her lap on the floor watching the other kids.

Laynes mate Phillip walks in from the kitchen with two glasses of water. He sits beside her after handing her one. Rita sits beside Layne with her mate Kylee and their seven year old son Jamie. Ava and Tyrese sit beside them with their adopted ten year old daughter Sarah.

We've all grown since we were teenagers and so fast. Now each of us with children for the next generation.

" Happy birthday~" People start singing.

I look back as Jazmin carries out a cal and the rest of the group follows. Everyone follows in singing.

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
From the Moon and from the stars~
Happy birthday
Oh Ashia
We're wishing you~our hearts~

We clap as Jazmin sets the cake with pink frosting roses and seven candles down on the coffee table. Ashia walks up to it on her knees. She sits for a moment then blows out the candle.

The end <3

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