the underdogs are my lions
the silent ones are my choir
the women will be my soldiers
with the weight of life on their shouldersdrink until you've had enough
I'll drink from your hands
I will be your warrior
I will be your lamb'til queendom come
'til queendom come
my queendom come
my queendom comethe sea waves are my evening gown
and the sun on my head is my crown
I made this queendom on my own
and all the mountains are my throne
ahI hunt the grounds for empathy
and hate the way it hides from me
with care and thirst I have become
you have a home in my queendomyou have a home in my queendom
you have a place in my queendom
you have a queendom come.
Aurora's thoughts
an interview with NME:
"My new album has a wider perspective that I had on my first one. The world has a lot of good and bad in it, but as I say in the first verse of 'Queendom' "the underdogs are my lions, the silent ones are my choir, the women will be my soldiers with the weight of life on their shoulders". But it's also for men, the planets and everything. It's a very important start of my new chapter."Aurora's statement on feminism links to the last couple lines of the first verse.
"Let us be women who run with the wolves,
Let us not be afraid of the word feminist
It is not a word of hate, but a word of equality.
Women can be strong, and men can also be weak. We can all show our fragile sides and still be looked upon as strong human beings. Have the right to cry, and the right to walk with pride. Women before us have fought so hard for me to even have the chance to vote in my own country. To get educated. To be married to who I want, or not married at all. Women have dreamt before us, and fought for the freedom we have today. And to those women I want to say thank you. For those women I want to say that I proudly call myself a feminist because like all of us I believe in equality."my thoughts
'Queendom' is an enchantingly beautiful first chapter to the mesmerising record that is Step 1 called 'Infections Of A Different Kind'. Its opening statement is a poignant one as well. The song is a peaceful and happy chant for equality within all humans. Whether that be separated by your race, sexuality or gender, when it comes down to it, we are all human beings, and our surface traits do not define us. Uplifting harmonies give the song an ethereal softness, yet earthliness with the heavy, tropical sounding drums that bounce in at the chorus.
Aurora is clearly welcoming all those who may not blend in as much or are not accepted in society and singing that in her "queendom" everyone is welcome. Women, men, all ethnicities and all of the LGBTQ community. This song in particular is specifically centred around the LGBTQ movement, and when I saw her perform it live in London she brought a gay pride flag on stage with her while she sang! It was very fun and just shows the warmth and happiness within this song that is a celebration of love and humanity as a whole.
AURORA | Infections Of A Different Kind - Step 1 | lyrics
Poetrythe official lyrics for Aurora's second studio record/ EP "Infections Of A Different Kind - Step 1". - 2018 + an official analysis of the lyrics & my own interpretation. [ I do not own any of this material. All rights reserved to Aurora Aksnes. ]