The main room

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I reach the large room, presuming it was the middle floor since there was another stair case going down. across the room from the stairs was all windows looking out to the woods, on either side of the room was doors, 2 each size with names on the doors.

The names were, kitchen, storage for food, storage for stuff an last one said history room. I walk down stairs to see 2 large doors next to the stair case to out side. I try to open them but were locked an I could open them. I look around to see 2 open doors with a group of people chattering inside. I walk in to see 19 people there scared and talking. " what am I doing here" I yell and they all stop and look at me.

" we don't know why we are here either, all we remember is someone knocking us all out" a girl says to me. " everyone line up now, or you will face death" a voice says. it was coming from the speakers. more chatter filed the room and we do what were told. I stand next to the girl who called out and a boy with brown and red hair. a group of people walk in, all scary. they were all the creepy pastas with slender in front of them. "you may of heard of us, were creepypasta, I'm slender, this is, jeff, lj, ej, sally, hoodie and masky, lost sliver, ben, dark link." slender says introducing us to them. " don't panic we won't kill you...yet....but there no easy way to say but...all of you are going to fight to the death,only one survives, any qustions?" slender asks like it's no big deal. we all stare in shock what he said. " why? and what if we don't want to" a boy yells at them.

" if you don't you will be killed and why?, cause we need to prove that not all of us are insane and that a normal school kid can too, plus we want someone new, it was a vote" jeff says.

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