Chapter 9

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Lena's POV

Back home, I directly went into my room as instructed by Jayden even though I feel fine now . I took my dress off and put on one of Chris shirt's which I stole from him while still in London. The shirt went passed my knees as Chris so much taller than I am, the shirt still has a faint smell of his expensive cologne on it. I love wearing his shirts as it makes me feel safe for some reason, it feels like he is here even though he is not. I grabbed one of my sketch books, markers and my phone which had my headphones still attached to it and sat on my bed and faced the window. I grabbed a couple of colors and began drawing everything I see from the window, the bookshelf beside it and what I can see through the window which is trees, Bella's car and more trees. During this I listend to Hans Zimmer something I do all the time while drawing. The music blared so loud I didn't notice that someone came into my room until they tapped me on the shoulder which made me jump. "What the fuck?" I said taking my headphones out and turned to face the person who turned out to be Bella,"What do you want?" I asked a bit annoyed,"Edward told me that his family wants to get to know both of us and that he and Mr- I mean Chris will come and collect us soon" she said making my eyes widen,"Soon? How soon?" I asked jumping up from my bed,"Don't know?" she shrugged fiddling with her fingers,"Can you leave, I need to get changed" Bella nods and leaves. I never meet the other Cullen's, Chris and Edward are the only ones I talked to, I did meet Carlisle when I was younger and I saw him around and Jasper and Alice are in my history class but we ignore each other but that's about it with my familiarity with them ends. They think we are just smelling mutts. I quickly grabbed the same dress from before and threw a denim jacket over it and brushed my hair and put on some timberland's quickly, I fixed my make-up when I hear a car horn outside. I peaked out my window and saw Edwards and Chris car's outside.

"Chris" I smiled and hugged him which he gladly returned as I hugged him I smelled the cologne which once was so strong on his shirt which I have in my room."You look lovely" he smiled opening the door for me,"Thanks" I smiled getting in. The drive towards the Cullen house was nerve wrecking, I will be in a house full of Vampires as a werewolf their natural enemy but I'm more worried about Bella a mere human. I felt a warm hand on my bare thigh which made look up,"Don't worry little wolf, I promise nothing will happen to your human cousin" he smiled charmingly at me which could melt metal,"Thanks Chris" I said taking his hand of my thigh and lacing it with my own which he than brought up to his lips,"I love you" he said smiling at me again,"I love you too".

Chris and I arrived at the same time Bella and Edward did. I unbuckled my seat belt but before I could touch the door Chris had it already opened and had his hand stretched out for me to take,"You know I can open doors" I joked making him chuckle,"I know but I like treating you like a Queen little wolf" he smiled putting his hand at the small of my back leading me inside the house which I have to say looked amazing. It looked very modern with many windows and couple of balcony's."A lot of windows" I said,"Yes but you know the sun can't hurt us" Chris said slamming the door behind him before Bella and Edward could come in which made me chuckle a bit,"I know but aren't you worried someone will see your guy's glittering skin?" I asked,"Not many people come here" Edward said giving a stink eye to Chris who just smirked,"But they could" I said making Edward roll his eyes as he takes Bella's jacket from her."Let's go upstairs" Chris said taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

As we walked upstairs I could hear whispering,"They brought the mutt with them" a female voice said which was so hushed I have no clue which girl it belonged to,"Alice" a different voice said which belongs to Carlisle for sure,"They have a human as well" another female voice said,"Rosalie" a male voice said which was deeper than Carlisle's probably Emmett's . I looked down towards Bella who looked nervous more than I do. Chris was the first one to arrive and was greeted by a brunette women,"Esme this is Lena" Chris said wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close,"Hello I'm Esme, I'm basically the Mom" she smiled happily and in her eyes I can see that the smile was genuine,"Nice to meet you" I said she looked past me and greeted Bella with the same smile. Chris walked me into the kitchen where the rest of the Cullen's where,"Hello Lena, I don't know if you remember me?" he asked with the same smile as Esme had,"I do a bit, I remembered the lollipops" I said making him chuckle,"I did give them to you" he said still smiling. Emmett came over and stretched his large hand out,"Hey we never really talked in school but it's nice to meet you Lena" I took his hand in mine and gave it a firm shake,"Your strong...I like you already" he smirked making me smile but Chris grip on my waist became stronger for a second,"I'm Rosalie"the blonde said looking me up and down,"Nice clothing" she said,"Thanks, London boutiques are the best" I smiled,"I think we will get along" she with a soft smile,"Think so too" she didn't even took a glance at Bella,"Alice nice to see you again" I said looking at the small vampire, she gave me a tight smile,"It would be if your smell wouldn't stink up the whole room" she snapped,"Alice" Chris snapped making the girl jump as everyone knows that Chris is stronger than them as he is the only one drinking human blood as animal blood just makes him sick. Alice dropped her head as Jasper stepped forwards,"Hello Lena what do you think of starting over?" he asked making Alice look at him with disbelieve," I would love too" I smiled. I looked over at Alice who took a deep sigh,"Yeah maybe a start over would be good, you are only half mutt after all" she said before turning towards Bella.

After Alice greeted Bella and Rosalie said something about dinner and Edward answering that she already ate which lead to her breaking the glass bowl and giving Bella the death glare I was now sitting on Chris bed in his room."It's comfortable" I said,"It's the only bed in this whole house as well" he smiled sitting down beside me kissing my cheek. I looked around the room and saw old black and white pictures from him before he turned into what he is now. One picture caught my eye though,"What's that?" I asked pointing towards it,"It's nothing" he said using his powers to slam the frame down which made me confused,"Lena it's nothing" he said as I was about to get up,"Why are you acting like that than?" he tried opening his mouth but nothing left,"Motus" I said lifting my hand making the picture move towards me. The glass was cracked but I still could see the picture perfectly, it was Chris in an old school tux besides a women, a very beautiful women in white,"You where married weren't you?" I asked trying to stop the tears from spilling out,"Lena-","Just answer me?" I faced him and saw that his hands where buried in his hands,"Yes, Lena I married her before I left for War-","Do you still love her?" I asked, he didn't reply,"How can I be so stupid?" I asked. I threw the picture on the floor and dashed out the room ignoring Chris calls for my name. I just ran into the forest.

A/N: Thank you for 1k reads guys.

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