16 6 10

The next morning,

Y/n gain up all her confidence.

Her courage.

She is gonna act like she used to.

To her Taehyung.

Except the hugs.

The goodbye kisses.


"Now isn't the time to think about this."

She tied her hair in ponytail.


Her plan is,

To start everything over again.

How they started talking.

She stepped on the hallway.

Went to her locker to grab the books.

She went to school early.


That the evil brat wouldn't sit with him.

"Wait,what if he don't sit with me?"

"Nah,I will go and sit then."


Right on that time.

He came in.

It was only the two of them.

The eye contact was unbreakable.

It has been so long.

Since they had eye contact.

It was too strong to break.

The chirping of the bird,

Broke it.

He went and sat on the front seat.

She didn't give up.

She took her stuffs,

And sat right beside him.

He gave her a look.

:why-are-you-sitting-here look

She just gave a smile and said.

"Hi,I'm Y/n.Nice to meet you Taehyung."

She hand out for a handshake.

He looked at her.

With a poker face.

But his eyes tells something.

It was a soft gaze.

It shows how much he missed her.

He just ignored her.

It hurts her.

But still,

She acted as if she didn't.

"It's fine."

It was an akward silence.

After a few minutes......

Y/n was reading a story book.

"Uhh...Y/N....I need to tell-"

She turned her head.

When Taehyung was about to tell something.

The evil brat came in.


But he just replied her with a "hmm."

Her eyes turned to Y/n.

With a digusted look in her face.

"Why are you sitting beside my oppa?"

She yelled.

More like burst in a second.

Y/n didn't answer her.

She came up to her.

Pulling her wrist to get her from there.

Y/n winced in pain.

The grip was too tight and harsh.

She could feel the evil brat digging her nails under her skin.

The blood is dripping.

That is when Taehyung yelled at the evil brat.

"Stop it!"

Y/n was shocked.

She never seen Taehyung this mad.

His ears red.


The evil brat was taken aback.

Almost wanna fake a cry.

Create a scene over there.

But before she could do anything.

Taehyung dragged her aside.

It was clear enough for Y/n to hear.

"If you freaking wanna be with me,then leave her alone.You have no rights to touch her."

Y/n cried by what she heard.

The evil brat was scared by Taehyung and went to sit on the other place.

But still,

She is a witch.

She shot y/n a glare when passing by her way.

Taehyung didn't tell y/n anything.

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her somewhere..........................

A/n:Where is Taehyung dragging y/n?
Find out in the upcoming chapter.😊

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