unrequited | namjoon

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genre: angst

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genre: angst.
member: JOONIEEE.
warnings: not really any, maybe you will tear up (;

he's so smart she thought to herself, hand on her cheek gazing lazily up at him as he tried to dumb down some complicated maths theory. the boy in front of her, plus her tiredness made a lethal combination, making it almost impossible to concentrate.

she watched his plump lips move as he spoke, she didn't hear a word he said, though. the girl just stared at him with loving eyes, love that could never be returned. she sighed to herself, allowing her eyes to flutter shut for a moment. he's perfect, he could never like me. she thought again, negative words plaguing her mind in dark clouds.

"...y/n?" she thought she heard

"...y/n, y/n!" her eyes snapped open to see namjoon's face in front of her own, brown eyes gazing into hers with concern and a little bit of agitation.

"are you even listening to me?" he asked softly, yet a hint of irritation plagued his words.

"i-i- u-uhm" she stuttered out disorientated.

the tall boy sighed and stood up abruptly, "forget it." he muttered, gathering his text books and pencil case with heavy hands. "why even ask me to tutor you if you weren't going to listen to me, y/n?" he said finally looking up at the startled girl. "i only agreed because i'm your best friend" those two words, those cursed words, leaving his mouth like poison.

she looked down, almost failing to stop the tears clouding her vision. she fiddled nervously with her fingers as she tried to come up with a response.

"... never mind" the boy said, gathering his stuff into his bag and taking a step away from the table as if he were to leave.

her head snapped up, and she stood up quickly grabbing his forearm, "w-wait, joon!" she said hurriedly, hushing herself when she remembered they were in a library.

"what, what is it? are you going to waste more of my time?" he growled yet his voice trailed out towards the end when he realised the state of the smaller girl. her head was pointed towards the ground, her long hair covering her face in attempt to hide her tears that were pathetically trailing down her slightly chubby cheeks.

he stopped for a moment, turning around fully and embracing the girl, pulling her close. "what's up, bun? why are you crying?" his words heavy with concern as they fell from his lips and right into the girls heart.

"i'm sorry, joon-ah" she whispered out, her voice soft. "i did mean to pay attention, i'm just really tired and i'm finding it really hard to concentrate today." she rolled her eyes internally at how pathetic she was, although her excuse was particularly true as she stayed up late trying to study, the main reason for her lack of concentration was in fact the very boy in front of her.

he sighed, reaching his veiny hand up to her head to brush at her hair. his hands patted at her head and combed through her hair in attempt to comfort her.

"i'm really sorry joon, i didn't mean to waste your time, or to disappoint you." she sniffles again, burying herself further into the boys broad chest, feeling anger at herself for letting herself get distracted so easily when namjoon has offered to give up his time to help her improve before their major exams when he could have been taking this time to revise for himself.

he's so kindhearted. her thoughts were loud as she but her lip to suppress tears once again, how could i even take advantage of his kindness, waste this opportunity by just staring at him, "god y/n! get it together" she thought out loud.

a chuckle vibrated from his chest. "you ok there?" he said amusement evident in his voice as he pulled the blushing girl from his embrace to look down at her. her eyes shifting everywhere in embarrassment, refusing to make eye contact with him.

his fingers gripped her chin loosely, forcing her to catch his gaze, "it's okay, y/n. don't worry about it, hmm?" his voice smooth like honey as she locked eyes with him, almost in a trance. "i overreacted a bit, i should have been able to tell something wasn't right from the start, i'm a horrible friend" he pouted, and it would have been adorable if she didn't take notice of his words.

"friend..." yes, a friend, a best friend that's all he will ever be to you. but to you he meant much more, but you knew that he would never feel the same way about you, he was too good. her eyebrows furrowed almost in pain, eyes filled with sorrow

namjoon looked at the girl in confusion, trying to figure out why she had repeated him, what had her so deep in thought, he was brought out of his own thoughts when a hand was tugging at his own, it was her.

she smiled as she looked up at him, her dimples matching his own as she brushed her soft hair behind her ears. "c'mon, let's go for a walk to clear our heads." she said almost cheerfully, taking a hold of his hand and tugging it along with her own.

they walked side by side, shoulder to shoulder down the street. their hands no longer interlocked, his in his pockets, hers tugging on the hem of her school skirt nervously as she tried to find any inch of courage within her to confess.

she breathed heavily through her nose, realising her skirt as she took a deep breath in you can do it  she encouraged herself, just tell him, what's the worst that could happen? she laughed nervously as they reached a small park near their homes.

they sat on swings, moving back and forth a comfortable silence set between them as the girl tried to think of ways to approach her confession.

"h-hey, namjoon..." she managed to stutter out, trailing off towards the end. her hands finding their way back to the hem of her school skirt that rested mid thigh once again.

"hmm?" he hummed our, turning to her slightly. his face lit up dimly by the moonlight, just looking at his face gave her the final push of courage that she needed.

"i like you" she muttered, immediately hiding her flustered face between her hands his silence not going down well with the girl, her confidence slowly starting to diminish. that's it y/n, you've done it, you have ruined the best friendship you have ever had. he's never going to want to contact you again, he's going to ignore you forever, he won't ever look at y-

"uhm y/n i-" he said stuttering shock evident on his features "wow, i really wasn't prepared, i'm sorry..." she braced herself for rejection hiding further behind her hands  that's it, that's it, of course he could never like me back. a hot tear slipped from her eye, more following like a river as a pain brewed in her chest. she stood up from the swing about to head home when she heard him speak up again.

"i'm sorry that i didn't confess first" he said finally, tilting his head up to look at the girls back.

she turned in what felt like slow motion, her mouth agape in shock as she stared at him. he chuckled at her, she was adorable. "hey, close your mouth, you'll catch flies , baby" he said getting off his swing and joining her, reaching under her chin to close her mouth then moving forward to seal his lips to hers in a soft kiss, his first kiss with his first love.

HEHEHE PLOT TWIST, sorry if you came here for angst, but i thought good old y/n deserved a happy ending for once ((:

kind of proud of this one! i like the way it turned out, which doesn't usually happen because i don't really like my writing so it's a win for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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