Chapter 14

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He's not ready. He's...not ready. Not ready to lose Kurt, to lose the easy friendship and the support and—yes—the really good sex. He's aware he's just learning to value himself as a person again, but it's too early to do it on his own. He needs Kurt. He needs Kurt.

He resists the impulse to stick his fingers into his ear and start singing.

Kurt, on the other hand, seems....interested. He's leaning forward, forearms resting on his legs as he sits and asks, with an expression that doesn't show even a hint of what he is feeling,


Blaine is, childishly, trying not to listen, but he can't help it. He is curious as to how such a seemingly hopeless task could be accomplished, even though, to be honest, he's not so eager to have it accomplished anymore. He's very comfortable in his life with Kurt. He likes his life with Kurt, he likes Kurt. Maybe, he muses, it doesn't always have to be a great romance, but his musings are interrupted when Jan speaks.

"I don't know if you know, Kurt, that Blaine has a quite extensive family. Most of them he has never met, because my son decided to walk out on his wife and son and so robbed himself of every chance to get to know the wonderful, wonderful young man that Blaine was going to become."

Blaine blushes and is even more determined not to listen. He wonders if he is sorry that he doesn't know his father's side of the family, save for his nonna. Probably not. He knows his mother would have liked him to get a job in one of the family's firms. She would have even gone as far to talk to his dad for it, had Blaine done the right thing and used his business degree for anything profitable. He knows they are a mob, in a way, keen to keep the money and the prestige and everything they own within the family, without any regard for talent or inclination.

"So," Jan continues, "I've been watching if there is someone who is influential in the family who might have created a precedence we could argue with if we fought for Blaine to get divorced and still keep the money. Up to now, there isn't. The Andersons seem to have been either blessed with their spouses, or else with incredible power of endurance. Always excepting my own son, who to be fair, was neither of these things."

That's true. Blaine's mom can't have been a "blessing" as a wife, but his dad also hadn't even tried to make things work, and as far as Blaine knows, he's also never held a job for more than a few months. Though Blaine doesn't know if that's because he can't, or because that's the way he likes it.

"And now?" Kurt asks. Jan digs in her bag and pulled out a photo that she lays on the table. It shows a smiling couple at what is obviously a high school prom. The girl's dress does nothing to conceal a small baby bump.

"Blaine, let me introduce your cousin Angelica and her boyfriend. Her father is one of the most influential lawyers in one of the family firms, and as he is also rather conservative, the kids got married a few days after graduation. Unfortunately, a few weeks after the wedding, Angelica lost the baby."

"Oh," Blaine says, which is the first thing he's said since Jan started her story.

"So now there are two very young people, married without anything to tie them together," Kurt says.

He's a lot faster to make this conclusion than Blaine, who is still pondering the question if in Angelica's place, he would be devastated or relieved. Both, probably.

"Exactly," Jan says. "Now of course it could be that they hold on for a few years, try to make it work although they have nothing in common except too much free time and little to no sex ed. But if you ask me, I think they'll get bored in a month and will opt for a quiet divorce. Angelica's father, who is, I believe, a nephew of mine, will do whatever he can to make sure his little girl will not lose her inheritance over one mistake. If he finds a way out, we can use that for you two as well."

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