Chapter 1: A New Start

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Once upon a time, there was a little baby about to be born. The mother was told to push until the baby was free. The doctors were trying so hard to get the baby out. Finally after labor and hard pushing, the baby was born. A beautiful, blue mug. A red cup came up to the mother and said "what are ya gonna name him mommy?" "Why don't you name him Cuphead." She handed the baby to Cuphead and he held him gently. "I'll name you....... Mugman." The baby opened its eyes, as if responding to that name. Cups was a little startled but then smiled. The baby smiled and laughed, for he knew he would love his older brother. The mother, named Tea, was taken care of by the doctors as the father, named Cafe, stood by her side. Cuphead just stared into Mugman's innocent, baby blue eyes as they sparkled with joy. He smiled at his little brother and just hugged him very gently. But suddenly Mugman started to cry. Cuphead was worried and tried to calm him down. Rocking him gently and bouncing gently didn't work. Even small pats on his back didn't work. Than Cuphead found the solution. He grabbed a bottle filled with a baby formula. He placed the end of the bottle in Mugman's mouth and he became very calm. After some time, Mugman had fallen asleep. Cups thought he is so cute. Im glad I got to name him. Cups put the bottle down and yawned. He gently sat down and leaned against a wall. Then he tilted his head and drifted to sleep. After a few hours, Cuphead was awoken by a voice. The voice sounded like his father's voice. He said "Hey buddy its time to wake up." Cup awoke and scratched his eyes. "Did you have a good nap?" "Yeah. Me and Mugs fell asleep." "Good. He's still asleep which is good but we gotta take the formula with us. We gotta go son. I have some bad news for you." Cuphead looked at his father sadly when he said that he had bad news. They went home and put baby Mugs in his crib and let him sleep. "Son" started Cafe. "I have something to tell you. You see, after your mother gave birth to your brother, she was in a very sick state. We tried to give her medicine to help her but she just didn't get better. So her last words were 'i love you and take great care of the boys' and she..... Well..... She died." At that moment, Cuphead couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt his heart drop and break into a million pieces. He jumped into his father's arms and cried very hard. Cafe began to cry too, for he loved his wife very much. He thought that Tea was the most beautiful cup in the whole world and of Inkwell. After 20 minutes of crying, Cups let go of his father and went to his room. He, than, cried himself to sleep while Cafe made himself a cup of coffee. Mugs heard his brother crying and tried to escape his crib. Once finally getting to the top of the gate, he climbed down and mananged to drop to the ground unharmed. He crawled to the source of crying and managed to open Cuphead's door. Luckily it was open by a little crack and baby Mugman mananged to push open the door. He, than, crawled to Cuphead's bed and made a baby sound. Cuphead heard and perked up his head fast. He looked over the edge of his bed and found a little baby Mug. He picked up his baby brother and said "Hey how did you get out of you crib?" "Wah yah bybing?" Cuphead tilted his head in confusion as to what his brother just said. Then he thought oh he must've heard me crying. Strong little one ain't he. He said that his name was Cuphead, as a way for Mugman to learn how to speak. Mugs said "C-C-Cu.... C-C-Cuphe......... C-C-Cuphead." Cuphead jumped in surprise and said to repeat what he said. Than Mugman chanted "Cuphead! Cuphead! Cuphead! Cuphead!" Cuphead cried in the moment because he thought it was just amazing that Mugman's first word was his name. Cuphead went to Cafe and held Mugman up to him and said "Repeat what ya said Mugman." "Cuphead!" Cafe jumped in surprise and smiled after a moment. He bent down and hugged his little boys. They all lived very happily and Mugman was taught more words from his brother Cuphead. Years pass until....

Another book. I'm excited for this one. I bet you guys will want to know the origins of Cuphead. I will write a book about the origins of Cuphead. Cya my peeps :3

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