Finding The Waterfall

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Hours had passed and they were still trying to find this waterfall when Hella finally said: "Are you sure this waterfall even exists?" Everyone just stayed silent until Flora ran past them because she had heard something up ahead. A few seconds passed and they heard a shriek. They all started running as they thought that Flora had gotten hurt, but actually, she had found the waterfall and didn't really know how to tell them because she can't really remember super important things. When they got to the waterfall Grandpa George had a smirk of his face, but no one noticed. Everyone had a look around the waterfall to see if they could find anything odd when Grandma Gertrude found an entrance behind the waterfall. She called them over and as a group, they all went through the secret entrance and found a.... door, an ordinary, everyday door with a golden handle and a lock. For five minutes they examined the door to see what was so special about it until Juliet remembered the key they had found earlier on. "Guys, I think I know how to open it, we will need the..." Flora interrupted her sister and said "the key that you stepped on. Well, I have had it the whole time so let's open this door." After they opened the door the first thing they saw was an Angel Unicron, followed by a thestral, a galaxy unicorn, a hippocampus, and many other horse-like animals. But they were scared and Hella could understand them and the angel unicorn said this (in horse language) "who are you and what do you want with us? Your kind has threatened us for too long!" "We do not want to hurt you," Hella said clearly, " we are here to help." But none of the horses understood what she had said.

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