Tick-Tock, Bitches

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Hanna was currently sitting on a bed in a room at The Lost Woods Resort. Caleb, Aria, and Ezra, just left to set their plan of revealing AD in motion. Hanna felt like they were finally one step ahead of AD, and that things were finally going their way. But she couldn't have been more wrong... barely a minute after Caleb, Aria, and Ezra left, all the lights in the room went out.

"Hello? Caleb? Is that you?" Hanna asked nervously. She couldn't see more than a foot in front of her. Panic started rising in her chest. A hard push to the floor was the only answer Hanna got to her many questions. She could feel her lip bleeding and her mind starting to get fuzzy. Before she could even register what was going on, she was pushed again, but this time she fell through the floor, and darkness welcomed her with open arms. 


When Hanna came to, she found that most of her clothes were missing. She was barefoot, and all she was wearing were her undergarments and a gray tank top. She had no idea what happened or where she was. Before Hanna could think of the possibilities, she heard what sounded like a car driving away. She got up off the floor, and ran to the wall closest to where she thought the noise was coming from.

"Is there somebody out there? No! Please! Please open the door! You can't leave me in here! I'm begging you! Please!" she hysterically yelled as she banged on the wall, desperate to get someone's attention. When her cries fell on deaf ears, Hanna slowly slid herself down to a sitting position while leaning against the wall until she eventually fell asleep. 


She was hoping that all of this was just a nightmare she was having and that she would wake up on the bed in The Lost Woods Resort. But as Spencer would say, "hope breeds eternal misery." When Hanna awoke, she did not find herself back in The Lost Woods Resort. She was still lying on the floor in what she came to realize was a barn. But this time, she wasn't alone. She heard footsteps, and immediately stood up and backed herself into the corner so whoever it was couldn't sneak up on her. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Hanna's face, like someone was taking a picture. Before she could even say anything, the person left. Hanna assumed it was AD, using the picture of her to coerce her friends into finding her, and giving AD something in return.

Hanna didn't know what to do, so she tried falling back asleep. This time, she decided to sleep more towards the center of the room. She got into a fetal position and closed her eyes. She didn't know how long she had been asleep before she woke up to water running underneath her feet. She immediately stood up, and backed towards the corner of the room again. She looked around the room to see where the water might be coming from, but it was still pitch black. A spray of cold water greeted Hanna. Whoever was on the end of the hose sprayed her until her back was to the wall.

"Please! Stop! Stop! Please! Please, stop," she cried out. It was already cold in the barn, mostly due to her lack of clothes, but now she was freezing. Within a minute, the person stopped spraying her. As Hanna tried to catch her breath, she heard a weird beeping sound. Being in the dark, literally and figuratively, Hanna didn't know what to expect. Her eyes went wide as (who she assumed to be) AD approached her with the object that was making the beeping noise.

"No! No! No! Please! Stop! Please! Stop! Stop!" she cried in agony as the person continued to zap her with the beeping object. After what felt like an eternity, the person stopped. They left Hanna alone, and the pain of it all knocked her out. 


The next time Hanna awoke, she found herself surrounded in a fog. Hanna didn't know it, but she was breathing in Flunitrazepam. She was becoming dizzy and confused. Once they saw the effect the drug was having on their prey, someone stepped out of the shadows. They walked over to Hanna and laid her down flat on her back. Hanna was so out of it, she didn't say or do anything in response. The person proceeded to pull down Hanna's underwear, and then lowered his pants and boxers.

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